~ • Special Chapter~

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Aleyna's P.O.V.

I stirred in my sleep the moment I woke up, I don't feel that tired so I was thankful even if I was busy at work that I still am not stressed and more. I still wanted to sleep but a very cute voice woke me up suddenly, soft and small little hands held mine making me open my eyes.


"Hello my big princess" A smile automatically spread on my lips the moment I saw my princess wearing her favorite pink dress looking at me with her big doe eyes.

I was surprised that she was already awake around 9 am when she should be sleeping, I sat up on the bed and pulled her close to me. Kissing her cute puffy cheeks as well as wiping away the saliva that kept falling from her lips. Paige is a bit small compared to her brother, she's also lighter but she's really healthy so I didn't need to worry about her.

"Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something? Where's daddy?" She kept mumbling words that I can't understand but she looks like she was laughing at something, all of a sudden I heard a very loud crashing noise in the kitchen. It looks like they were trying to cook but is now probably creating a mess.

"What is daddy doing downstairs? They're creating a lot of noise aren't they?"

Paige nods her head happily as I muttered those words, I have a great feeling that in the future she would be going to tell me all the bad things her brother is doing as well as her father. She's a bit more close to me considering tht at times, Blaze keeps forgetting that we have a daughter, at times he's crazy about her... can't really understand my husband.

I took the red silk robe that was placed on the stool beside the bed and wore it first, tying a knot in the middle before carrying my now heavy baby in my arms with her legs dangling on either side of my waist. The more I move around the more I could hear things being knocked down, I was getting worried that our neighbors might get angry at their noisiness at this hour.

The moment I reached the stairs I immediately heard two voices, one was very tiny babbles which belongs to my son and one that came from my husband, the noises was still being continued. I took a small peak with my daughter and saw Yohan sitting on a high stool chair, Blaze was standing before the stove and... I don't know, he's probably cooking with all the mess there is on the floor and on the counter, even Yohan was covered with flour and pancake batter. I wanted to laugh so hard but stopped myself so I can hear what Blaze was saying.

"Yohan stop knocking out things, mommy can hear us upstairs. You don't want to wake her up do you? She's going to become a dragon once you do"

"dwadon? dwadon! dwadon!"

"Is handling one baby hard enough for you?"

Blaze turned to me as if he was a bulgar getting caught, he looks so embarrassed and started getting tissues and a cloth to wipe all the things and liquids scattered on the sink and counter. Yohan was giggling as he watches his father doing everything to keep the kitchen clean because I really will get mad if ever he wouldn't...

"Aya, you were supposed to be asleep. Did we wake you up?"

"Nope, our little princess did. She's very kind to mommy that she told me what the bad guys are doing in my kitchen" Tapping Paige's nose made it a very natural thing to do everyday, she reacts with a giggle and wrap her arms around my neck.

"And I forgot the girl, Yohan you didn't tell me your sister was sleeping and sneaked out to mommy's room"

Blaze tried to get angry at Yohan but how could you stay mad at such a cute face like that? He flashed his famous heart throbbing smile as he kept tapping the table. It appears to me that Blaze forgot Paige in their room, he probably took Yohan who was crying very loudly in the morning and forgot about Paige so my princess came to my room to tell me what her precious father did.

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