~ • The Plan of Andre~

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Blaze's P.O.V.

I made the ultimate decision to bring Andre to Hannah, I can feel something building inside him which caused him to act like a raging beast whenevere he can't see or know about Hannah's welfare. His actions seemingly made me remember how a little possessive I got when Aleyna and I were still with a non label relationship status, that was the time when I really was jealous of all the boys who came in contact with her even if it's our friends and Andre. The way Andre looks at Hannah is something very precious and is the same way I look and act with Aleyna even right now.

"My sister deserves better, I hope you'll understand that" Andre spoke as he gave me one stern look before he decided to open the door.

I remained on my spot, contemplating about what Andre had said, they were all harsh words, they all pained my heart to be heard but I realized and understand that he was right. I hurted Aleyna so much that I don't deserve to be anywhere near around her, I inflicted so much pain in her heart that caused her to stop trusting anyone who dared to promise her something. I hurted her so much that it was tearing me inside with every tremble of her eyes as she stared at me.

Our first meeting when I came back was so magical, I badly wanted to see her, to hug her, to apologize and to hope that we could get back together because never did I stop loving her. It was the most beautiful night, a scene I always wanted to repeat inside my head but the moment tears started streaming down her face I instantly knew that it was game over.

She remembered my touch, she remembered my presence and that's the reason why she bursts into tears as she felt my arms wrapped around her. I felt so happy knowing that she never forgot me but with the tears comes the pain that I left her and that I broke all the promises I made before her. My presence affected her so badly that caused her to break down one time, that was the most painful thing for me, I was just watching her in pain, can't do anything because I feel like the more I come closer the more hurt she feels as I was the one who inflicted the pain to her.

"Andre, what brings you here?" Even without seeing Hannah by the tune of her voice I know she was smiling and was excited to see Andre.

These two non stoo bickers at times, yet the flirt as well and pulled off a stunt that they are dating. I didn't know what kind of pact they have to do such a stunt like that but they can't fool me, the know the stares they both have, they might be acting but I know clearly that Andre is really hitting on Hannah. They both might deny everything but everyone can see the way they interact, there's no way those stares meant nothing because they expressed their emotions very well.

"I, uh.... wanted to check on you. Aleyna was worried when we couldn't contact you"

While my friend is having a hard time giving her a fake explanation because of his embarrassment of not being able to express his emotions more here I am silently laughing at him with my back turned to the wall. Andre really is new in love, he doesn't know how to express his emotions and doesn't know how to interact with a girl even if he has a sister.

"Well that's thoughful of her, tell her that I'm thankful for having her as a friend" I heard Hannah talking to Andre, I stood still behind the door smiling as the two finally met each other since they asked me non stop about how the other is doing. Minutes later, I heard nothing but silence, I knocked on the door and opened it quickly.

"Having a fun time aren't we?" I sat on the couch smirking, teasing the way they were so close to each other. Hannah's head was resting on his shoulders, sleeping comfortably. He flashed a billion dollar smile, happiness seen in his eyes. I shaked my head and slowly stood up, feeling a bit irratated because of too much cheesiness.

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