~ • The Farewell~

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Aleyna's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes hearing the continuous beeping sound from what it seemed like a heart monitor, I can feel my abdomen got a bit swollen but it's slowly reuducing it's size. I don't feel that much full and the heavy weight on my stomach also vanished, I basically was back to my normal size but there were fats here and there. I tried to move but only a few seconds later pain slowly starts to spread in my whole body, so I remained lying still on the bed.

"Aleyna" I can hear Dennis' voice, I turned to my right and saw Dennis opening the door letting my whole family enter the ward. Each one of them hold different faces but I can see that they are overall happy.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" Mom asked caressing my face softly, she was looking at my body especially on my stomach.

"Pain and tired"

Everyone chuckled, I narrowed my eyes trying to find Blaze, I wanted to know if he really was with me when I delivered the kids it felt like a dream the first time I saw him... I thought that there's no possibility that he could come and be by my side to give me strength, he hates me... Auntie seems to notice it so she sat down on a stool beside me, Dennis slowly raised the bed so I could see them more clearly even if I winced once in a while.

"If you're looking for my son and if you're asking if Blaze did really went inside the emergency room with you... He did, and he actually went home after you delivered the babies. I-I think it's much better if the both of you could discuss things, especially now that you've already given birth." I shooked my head and heaved a sigh, I don't know what was instore for the both of us anymore.

Sure I do love him but at times like this I have no idea if I can still have the power to fight for the both of us, I do lovw him but now my priority is my children. I know it might be hard in taking care of them all alone but I know that they were all I need to rise up and be a perfect mother than a desperate girlfriend. It came to my mind that if Blaze doesn't want me then I will just let him go, I wouldn't try to force myself with him especially my children if he doesn't want them. I got tired as well... I think this is the right time for me to have my rest.

Speaking of my children, I can't seem to remember holding them both as I gave birth, surr I felt that the doctor placed one on my tummy as they momentarily cut the cord. Blaze for sure didn't do that because his hands were unclasped with mine the whole time, I didn't have the time to see them both as I fainted and didn't know what happened.

"Where's my kids? I want to see them"

"They're going to be here in a few minutes Aleyna, just rest for a while" Dad spoke, the rest of them still have this happy glow that it gave me a hint on probably what happened... they saw my children...

"Have anyone of you already saw them? How do they look? Is there nothing wrong with them?"

All of them started giving one another weird glances, it didn't get missed by me of course with just those glances I know they're trying to pass the baton on who will be speaking to answer my question... that, being mom...

"We still haven't seen them, only Blaze was the only one who was them personally" Mom missed one word that blew their cover, she told me the word 'personally'... where did they see my children? At the nursery room?

"But earlier we saw them at the window, they were very tiny Aleyna but they're really special" Jerome muttered happily, Spencer nods his head as well with the same beam he always has.

"How long was I out? I don't remember seeing them when I gave birth, what happened?"

"Your body was so exhausted so you fainted right after giving birth, you didn't bleed and there were no other abnormalities for you and the both of the babies" Nathan explained, I was actually thankful that he didn't become a doctor who can help women give birth. If ever he became my doctor when it would've been really awkward for the both of us.

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