~ • The Supposed Date?~

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Aleyna's P.O.V.

I've been experiencing mild headaches today, there were so many things to review especially with the new projects the board members are trying to argue about. I finished half of their papers and some of them needs more details and more proof reading before we finally be able to approve of the said projects. A knock on the door broke my staring contest with the paper, a very joyfull looking Lira appeared, slowly getting inside my room and smiled politely.

"Ms. Aleyna, do you want to have dinner with us? It'll be my treat since I came back from my honeymoon"

She had her wedding 3 weeks ago, I attended it together with Andre and mom and dad who also was a witness to their wedding. She got married to her childhood sweetheart Jack, who she eventually met after 5 years after their break up. Lira had been working here for more than 10 years so it's really a very eventful happening in her life, we saw how much wreaked she is so her, getting back with her ex was shocking and surprising for all of us.

"Thank you Lira but I can't go tonight, I have other plans, next time invite me when it's your pregnancy party. I'll gladly come and make me a godmother okay?" A red blush appeared on her cheeks, feelimg shy and embarrassed about me wanting to see her pregnant, I know how much she loved kids and just like me she uses and treats her puppies as her own kid hoping that someday we'll both have our own...

"Okay Ms. Aleyna, I'll see you tomorrow. We'll go ahead now"

I nod and smiled happily, she exits my office and the rest of our employees waved goodbye to me as they took the elevator. For sure they're going to have a lot of fun, they're going to drink and I'll expect them to get to work late tomorrow... A beep coming from my phone broke my trance, it was a text coming from my driver, Blaze seemed to finish everything early.

"I'll be fetching you now"

Well I guess it's time for me to go, I stood up and stretched for a moment, getting rid of all the tingly nerves I had especially when I did nothing but to sit on my seat for the whole day. That's one reason why I wanted to jog every weekends so that the fat I have on my body will lessen and will stretch my bones every now and then. I took my bag and locked my room, on the way to the elevator I met our finance manager, we both walked to the entrance. For sure Blaze will fetch me there since he also dropped me here in the morning, I kept looking in every direction, getting confused on why he's still not here when his company is just a street across rom ours... it's impossible for him to not get here within 15 minutes...

I took my phone out from my bag and started to check if he sent me any other messages, he really can't get pass 15 minutes... I wonder what's wrong. I felt so scared and worried at the same time, scared because I am all alone here with only our security guard present who's going on rounds now. Worried, thinking that maybe something bad happened to Blaze, if something happens to him I'll blame myself as he's doing everything, driving me even at this late 8 hour.

"Hi there Ms. Beautiful"

I pressed ny hand on my chest, shocked to see him grinning beside me with a mischievous look on his face. I looked at him in worry, eyeing his body to check for any bruises but thank goodness there's none. I composed myself, calming myself before turning to him as if nothing happened.

"You got your work done fast? No other different hindrances present?"

"I finished them all, some of the paper works are in my car, I'll going to take them home so I could still work" A smile appeared on my face, I still have lots of paperworks at home and I needed help.

"I'll help you if you want, I need help as well"

"Of course, I know you'll need my help as well"

Beautiful (Crowns Of Bearers # 1) !EDITED!Where stories live. Discover now