~ • The Hungovers~

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Aleyna's P.O.V.

I woke up calm and peaceful, after all I had a good night sleep while the boys downstairs are probably having a hard time waking up. I decided to take a bath and change to my office wear, I need to go to the office today and let Andre rest. He's really been having a hard time studying law and checking hundreds of paper works at work, ao I might as well give him a day off today to help him rest more.

I was expecting numerous trashes around the house, one that I will clean today since the maids we have are all in their day off since it's Saturday. The living room was very much clean, no marks of vomit and also no bottles of liquors and cans of beers. All furnitures of the house looks thoroughly clean, almost as if it was vacuumed and all tables were wiped clean. Amazingly the living room doesn't smell at all...

I head to kitchen and checked any possible ingredients that I can use for a big breakfast today. Good thing there are toasts, bacon, hotdogs, eggs and even sausages on the frige, there is also tuna and corned beef which they might like and of course the best hung over soup. I am already halfway through cooking the food when a warm presence suddenly appeared beside me, bumping his shoulder with mine.

"Can you help me? Do you have any aspirin?" Blaze asked while rubbing his nape, his eyes aren't the same bloodshot red I've been expecting but I guess the boys probably lessened their intake of alcohol which was a good thing.

"Why?" What a dumb question to ask Aleyna, I turned the stove off due to the embarrasment I could feel and placed the newly fried hotdogs and bacon on one plate. Now that's left is to cook the omelettes, probably with a bit of cheese and ham in the inside for a better flavoring.

"Well, the boys kinda had some hung overs, I think they had drank many yesterday" He was already drinking a glass of water, eyeing the hotdogs and ate one for a moment. He looks tired but isn't wasted.

"Yeah, its in the cabinet. The one from your left"

"By the way, where are they? I was surprised to see the living room almost clean, I was expecting to see everyone passed out" The shoes of the boys are all placed properly on the shoe rack before the door, there are a total of 10 shoes, excluding Andre's since he placed them in his room even before the party last night.

"Kyungsoo, Xander and I are the only ones who has the best alcohol tolerance. We carried them all in their respective guest room" Wow, quite a very kind gesture for him to do so, he could easily leave them all in the living room freezing and uncomfortable.

"Do you need patches? It's really hard to carry Chanyeol plus with Andre being quite, you know lashing out when he's asleep"

"He didn't lash out last night, he's half drunk but still knows what's happening, he didn't drink much as well"

Maybe because him and Blaze had some fight, honestly I wanted to know but I didn't want to intervene on whatever problem the two boys have. Their problems is theirs and if I try to know, I know more complications might arise.

"Are everyone is occupying the whole guest rooms? So I can prepare the table for the hungover food"

"Well, Kris didn't drink. He said he'll play with Ace today, he also mentioned that Blanc & Eclare and Vouge Classique are going to merge. I think the 3 of them are having a photoshoot today"

There goes Jessica's problem again, I don't know how to help her now that the thing she's fearing is getting closer than ever. I didn't know what to do anymore but I just really wanted her to know that I am always here by her side to support her no matter what.

"Well, you should wake them up already. Let's have breakfast now"

Blaze smiled softly before grabbing the plates from my hands and placing them all carefully, one more thing, the dinner table we have is actually customized for the number of friends Andre has, so you can expect that our dinning table is much more longer than the original table everyone has in their house. One reason that this house is big is alsp because of his friends as they always manage to enter our house anytime they want, basically our house became their hung out place so that also explains the many guestrooms in the house, one that is all located in the west wing.

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