~ • The Shattered Heart~

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Aleyna's P.O.V.

Several knocks could be heard non stop from my door, I could already hear mother calling my name a few minutes ago yet I didn't dare answer her. She kept trying to call me over and over again but I didn't have the energy to stand, I just kept bawling my eyes out as I formed myself in a ball and burried my face deeply inbetween my arms.

"My dear daughter, Aleyna come out from your room and at least have lunch with me. You already skipped breakfast I won't let you skip lunch"

I never felt so alone right now, I am locking myself inside my room while crying, bawling my eyes out from all the possible pain I could feel inside my heart. I wasn't able to do anything, I can't possibly express the pain with anger so the only possible thing I could do is to cry endlessly and burry myself with my own sorrows... But I knew I needed at least someone to hold me...

"Aleyna-" I opened the door, standing up from my past position earlier. I didn't want to keep drowning myself in sorrow, at least I needed someone to understand me, someone whom I can share my problems with... someone whom I know will never leave me...

"Oh my, dear. Are you alright? Is there something wrong?"

"I just need a hug"

A broken sob came out from my lips before I wrapped my arms aeound my mom, clinging to her for dear life as she slowly pushed me back so she can lock the door. She wrapped her arms around mine, securing me, making me feel the warthm, the love and care she always gave me whenever I am crying... even when I was a kid only a hug from her can cure me from any possible disease or pain.

"Just let it all out love, let it all out. I'm here to listen to everything, you can me your worries, mom will always be here for you"

Her words triggered more tears to come out, it wasn't a bad thing but it made me cry as I knew what there's something about her words that made me feel safe, made me feel like I am the happiest woman on earth. It made me forget all the troubles and problems I have... but only for a minute... then it all came back to me again...

Mother softly let go of my body, wiping the fallen tears that were slowly running down my cheeks one by one. She helped me sat on my bed, sitting beside me as she did all possible things to comfort me. Her hand held mine, it was so tight that it made me feel relaxed and relieved, only a mother's touch could make me feel this way. I might already be old enough to have a family of my own, but I know I still needed my mom in every step of the way...

"Does your heart hurt? From all the stress you've been receiving this is the most toughest breakdown I've seen you get. And this is not just about your simple works, I know this certain part here is involved" She smiled softly as she pointed at my left chest, to where my heart was slowly beating.

Soft sniffles could be the only noise that came from me, I tried to stop myself from crying and sobbing but the sniffles are the only thing I managed to do. The tears still can't stop falling as my whole head turned into a mess at what Andre just revealed to me yesterday.

"I love him so much mom. I really do, I really wanted him to be with me all the time, I wanted to hear his laughters, his playful jokes, his unwavering anger at times, his cute retorts, his short replies... everything about him. I wanted him to be my husband in the near future, the father of our children, the grandfather of our grandchildren, I basically wanted to live my life with him"

I wanted him...

But I'm not sure anymore...

"But what's keeping you from doing that? What's keeping you from trying to achieve your dreams?" Mother looked so worried, serious on a side note as she knew how badly in love I am with Blaze... But then again...

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