~ • The Gift~

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Aleyna's P.O.V.

My whole body felt so refreshed after having a very long sleep... where was my phone? I set an alarm! I opened my eyes and immediately saw the warm rays of the sun slipping through my window, I turned everywhere frankly and almost lost it when I realized that it was already 9 in the morning. I turned to my nightstand and saw a note, placed near my phone, I opened my phone first and saw what my intuition was right, someone, in particularly my brother hacked my phone and turned my alarm off and that probably makes it obvious that the note beside my phone came from him.

"Sorry to play with your phone, I just didn't want you to wake up as I will be handling everything today. Thank you for helping me yesterday"

Seriously I didn't know that Andre could be this sweet as well, we fought only once a month or basically not the whole year since we are more close than everyone thinks. I care for Andre and I show it to him physically, he on the other hand expresses his concern on me by doing affectionate things even without telling me. He watches over me and protects me just as he does now, he always made it sure that I will get the right amount of rest since we will really get busy when we became the CEO and him probably a lawyer and for us to have our own lives in the near future.

Since it's a bit late and I'm feeling quite hungry I knew I need to get up from the bed and head downstairs, but first I need to wash myself and change my clothes before anything else. For sure I wouldn't really get out from my house considering now that it is my day off, plus I don't have anyone to bond with considering almost all my friends are busy with their own lives as well.

The moment I got down from the stairs I noticed the weird atmosphere in the living room, as if someone was with me inside my house. Our maids had usually gone back to sleep during these time as they woke up early to prepare breakfast for my parents and of course Andre. I slowly sneaked towards my painting room, one where dad really made it specially for me as the room has a really good scenery, it shows me the garden and of course our pool as well. That room is where I kept my paintings, some abstract and some were painted as the way I see it.

I could hear a faint creaking noise from my room and I carefully walked towards it but I held the baseball bat Andre owns which was displayed at the living room. I held on the bat tighter as I feared of what kind of bulgar or criminal this person is who entered inside my house, I wanted to call my parents and Andre but something tells me that I need to be sure and check whoever this person might be. The door was a little bit open, a gap was present and I immediately saw the one I was looking for... only, it didn't look like a bulgar.

I saw a familiar back facing me, from this angle I was able to identify him right away as the side of his face could be seen. Blaze was the one who entered our house, the maids and guards must've recognized him that they just let him enter the house without informing anyone of us. I caught a glimpse of him smiling like an idiot while staring at some of my artworks, particularly my favorite art work which was a bit colorful background with trees... something I drew while thinking... about someone special.

"Sneeking into my room, I see"

"Oh? you're awake?" Blaze turned around the moment he heard my voice, I slowly placed the bat on the couch and entered my small painting room.

Blaze seemed caught off guard when I caught him admiring my art work, he didn't try to meet my gaze and just focused on some of the hanged paintings in the room. They were all mostly painted for me to donate them in a charity or in a auction where the acquired money will be donated to saveral organizations that will need them the most. Half of my paintings were already auctioned and they're almost probably almost 200 plus now.

"What are you doing here? Do you need something? Andre is at work"

"No, I didn't came here because of Andre. I came here because mom wanted me to get the painting she has been wanting to receive from you"

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