~ • The True Feelings~

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Andre's P.O.V.

Never in my life would have I thought of going around the world as the same with what my brother did, I can say how hard it is for him to be alone here, it's very hard to adapt to such country with a language barrier as you live only with yourself. It was nice traveling as you get to see the beauty of the world and the country has to offer, the only problem was that I've never been placed in such a scene like this before.

A house was built here in California 5 years ago, this model looked like Hannah's house back in our hometown, there was a huge balcony and a small lounge there it would've been fun and happy if I wasn't alone starig at the sad rainy clouds. This balcony could've made so many memories if only things were different from where we are today...

"Andre, can I have a word with you?"

The loud authoritative voice spoke behind me, I turned around just in time for me to see the tall frame of Hannah's father. He was wearing a suit and had just finished having a meeting from our hometown, Hannah and I had an earlier flight than them as they still need to handle something at their company.

"What is it that you wanted to know sir?" My voice was stable and non shaken, even if his aura is almost like death I am still going to act calm and humble. After all I know what kind of talk we're going to have.

Mr. Yoo pointed at the seat with his hand, there was a mini lounge area as I've said in the wide balcony, there was a glass roof above us which protects us from the heavy pouring rain although it was nice and good to feel the cold breeze as we speak. I made myself comfortable on the couch, sitting before Mr. Yoo as he eyed me seriously.

"Why did you trade places with Blaze knowing well that I still wouldn't agree? Do you dare disobey my words?"

"This might sound very rude but you're being selfish sir. You're being inconsiderate of everyone just because you wanted a certain thing to happen, you did not realize how many are being affected by your own actions which can destroy some lives of the people around you. With your want and greed, that you're proclaiming yourself with the highest authority between all us you didn't realize how everyone is being affected including your own daughter"

This isn't me defending my sister, this is me acting and thinking as a lawyer and giving the fairness and justice everyone deserves. This might not be a really good case since this is a matter of life and a broken heart but I know what is right from what is trying to make it something wrong to right, clearly this is what is going on here.

With his want to make his daughter leave he's dwelling in the past and thinking that Blaze is the only one who can help and persuade Hannah to live because Hannah thinks she loves Blaze then that she's willing to live for him. But now the tables have turned and Hannah knows what she wants, this time she wanted to live for herself because she learned that there's no other thing who can inspire you to live is the dream and the life you wanted to have in the future.

"You have the guts to speak Andre Kim, you really do but I don't like your words, they put me to rage and this instant I wanted to kill you" I could see his hands turning into fists, even if he'll hit me I wouldn't dare hit him back. This is about him being a father and trying to put my shoes in his, I know how hard it must've been for him to go on with this therapy for the second time.

"Everyone gets angry whenever they hear someone pointing out their mistakes, this talk is the first time I'm going to talk to you but this won't be about business. I wanted to point out all the things you did wrong for you to realize that you should change for your daughter"

A perdon is never to late to reform, he is given a chance of a lifetime to choose to change his wrong doings to have a better life or to still dwell in the past and keep doing bad things this is also stated in the law and as the future lawyer I know that I am doing a good job. In Mr. Yoo chuckles lightly before sighing and resting his back on the couch, with his eyes looking directly into mine without breaking I know that he was very serious in evaluating me.

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