XXX - That Night

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"I killed Buttercup?" Main sounded shocked. "But...but you killed Buttercup! Bevan told me..."

Bevan...come to think of it, the fan-girls had called him a traitor, and now here Greg was saying he hadn't killed Buttercup. Bevan had even gone so far as to kill Nemesis just before Main could learn of who had truly murdered Buttercup.

But Bevan was a loyal fan, wasn't he? Or was this a classic case of old-fan-turns-worst-enemy-because-of-a-sense-of-betrayal-or-jealousy?

"H-hey, Greg," Main began, "You n-never knew anyone named Bevan, did you?"

Gregory raised six eyebrows. "What?"

"You know, Bevan. My number one fan?" 


"You're not denying it," the troll said, selecting a sharp blade from the table. "You were the last person seen with her before she disappeared. I bet you and Bevan had a right old laugh together after you killed her."

"Nein! Nein! Nein!" Main shouted. "Greg, I'd never kill Buttercup. I was in love with her, sorta. Infatuated, kind of. There's something very wrong with the story line here! What motive could I possibly have?"

"Maybe that she ditched us at that party, and went off to marry Prince Humperstinck, crushing your heart?" Gregory pressed the blade against Main's'BEVAN' tattoo, blood beaded on his skin.

"I haven't even existed for seven years!" Main cried, his voice cracking and angry tears spilling down his cheeks. "Please. You have to help me. What happened on that night?"

Gregory sighed, and tucked the blade into his pocket. "Fine, I'll tell you. But  this changes nothing about how I feel about you right now."


Main gulped back a sob. "T-thank you."

Gregory slumped into a stone seat. He lit a candle which sent flickering shadows over his weathered face. 

"It was a dark and stormy night. The three of us were living the high life, you know. But suddenly, that Robin Snood crashed the party. Buttercup went to go take care of him and never came back. You off and vanished into the night. I eventually learned Buttercup had met Prince Humperpink, or whatever. They got married five years later."

"And then?" Main pressed.

"Then she was murdered on her wedding night! People say I killed her, some people swear they saw you. They found her dressed in her wedding dress, her body mangled beyond all recognition, just outside of the castle grounds."  

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