LV - With the maiming and the murdering

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Considering that Helena didn't have a heartbeat or functioning veins, the rate at which her face drained to a white pall was extremely surprising. She looked more afraid than Main had ever seen her. 

"I-I haven't heard that song for a long time." She shuddered. "Not since I was the leader of the fan brigade. What if I relapse? What if I become like I used to be: with the maiming and the murdering, and the glossed over cannibalism?

"Uh, there, there?" Main tried. 

She glared at him. "I stopped doing that stuff years ago. I don't want to go back!"

Oblivious, Bevan cleared the center of the room of its occupants and began drawing out a circle with a piece of chalk.


The crowd murmured something about how to get rid of the worms.

Helena sighed. "Main, can't you do this by yourself? Do I really have to do it with you?"

"It won't be the same!" Main insisted. "Helena, be strong. I believe in you."

She looked supremely unconvinced.

Bevan drew a triangle in the circle and rummaged in his case for some of the objects.


"Attention please!" Bevan announced, interrupting the current argument that involved drowning the worms in their own massive holes. "By the laws of Authoris, I interrupt your apocalypse subplot and call upon your assistance." 

He pushed Main into the center of the circle and smashed the final glass bottle at his feet. A gray mist swirled up around him and a cat barked softly, as Main began: "You're insecure, don't know what for."

Sweat beaded on Helena's face. The urge to sing was so intoxicatingly strong. Stupid song. She was most definitely insecure. Losing control here would mean going full-on zombie and devouring the present company, bad fashion senses and all.

Bevan gasped. "MAIN! THOSE AREN'T THE-"

"You're turning heads as you walk through the-"

Prince Humplerstinck pushed open the doors furiously. He began running forward as if fleeing from something large and deadly.

"Main, the lyrics are on the other side of the paper!" Bevan shouted. "Skip to the chorus, quickly!"

"Won't he reach us before that?" Main asked skeptically, gesturing to the Prince's sprinting form.

Helena swore under her breath. "We're monologing in an action sequence, the laws of time don't apply here."

"Huh." Main observed the slow motion form of Prince Humperdink for several more seconds, before he flipped the page over.  Inexplicably, background music  filled the air. As Main began the chorus, the room's inhabitants were shocked to find themselves dancing in perfect synchronization.

 "It's just a jump to the left-"  

Bevan yelped as a particularly overweight patron landed on his foot.

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