LIII - The will of Ploteon

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"Fine," Bevan muttered from his crumpled position on the ground. "You'll need one more thing though."

Impatient, Helena turned the page of the book and gasped. "It's been torn out!"

Bevan pulled a tattered piece of paper out of his pocket knowingly. "You also need a room of obscurely dressed people and these lyrics."

He passed it to Main, who skimmed the first line. "It's astounding..."


"Obscurely dressed people?" Helena muttered. "What does that mean, even? People in cloaks or something?"

"Everything else has worked out perfectly thus far," Main said casually. "Don't doubt the will of Ploteon just yet! Come on, let's go find a random room full of just what we need!"

"Wait, Main!" Bevan called, as Main ran for the door. 

Main froze, one foot already leaving the library.

 "Main, just remember-- the song needs to be sung exactly as it's written. Every note, every word must be exact. Are you sure you can do this?"

"This is my jam, Bevan!" Main insisted. "We'll be fine!"

Helena shared a look with Bevan. "For his sake, I hope he's a better singer than Buttercup was."


They flew down the stairs, running in a most undignified manner. Main's bare feet slapped against the cold stone floors. His fingers leaked a trail of telling evidence behind them. 

Helena sighed when she saw corridor behind them. "Don't you think stealth would be the best option here? Maybe we should bind your fingers up."

 "Don't be silly," Main replied, brushing off his light-headedness. "This way to the Global Worming Conference," he read. "We're blessed by Ploteon. Let's try there."

"You worship the Goddess of Plot? Isn't that a bit ironic?" Helena muttered under her breath, as they approached the entranceway.

We extend a hearty thank you to everyone who has made it through this journey so far with us. No, this isn't the part where we say we're not updating until we get at least 5 votes because that's cruel. But if you are enjoying the story, would you please consider recommending it to someone (on WP or not) who would equally enjoy it? The more the merrier. Thanks again! =)

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