XXXII - "Are we there yet?!"

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Wilde geese, Gregory explained, were the most common form of transport behind lawn mowers. "We had to eat all of our horses, because enemy spies were using them to get around," he said.

Main gasped as they entered the stables. The geese were enormous, with dappled grey plumage and brown leather saddles. The goose closest to Gregory reared its neck high into the air, to stare the troll directly in the eyes. 

As they trekked back to the river, Main and Helena rode the giant Wilde geese. They hissed, and waddled uncomfortably, but Main put up with it. His thoughts turned to Bevan - surely he was had only been scared, and run away. Not everyone was brave, after all.  

They followed the water down, seeing no traces of his biggest fan.

"Over here!" Helena called. Large muddy tracks marked a boat that had been pushed into the swift moving water.

Main poked at the riverside tracks. "I recognize Bevan's footprints: it's him."

"With a boat that size, he'd arrive in Flourin to see the sunrise," the troll king muttered. 

"Humberstink's kingdom?" Main queried.

"The very worst; the kingdom of Flourin," Helena replied, her orbs gleaming.

"Alas, I can not come," Gregory said. "I've got a kingdom to rule, and potentially crippling arthritis. Main: take the Wilde geese and Helena. They will serve you well."

"I won't let you down, Greg!" Main promised. "Come on, Goose! Huzzah!"

The bird honked and flapped its wings, nearly toppling Main from its saddle. It waddled into the river, followed closely by Helena's goose.

"Be careful, Main," Gregory said. "Flourin is a dangerous kingdom. It's the place that came up with pop music!"

Main shuddered. He thought about Buttercup's music-- it was frequently out of tune, but it had always brought a smile to his face. No matter what, he would avenge her.


Clouds slowly appeared from nowhere, and it started to rain. Helena and Main hunched forward in their goose saddles, feeling sorry for themselves. Water ran off the bird's backs, but it was merciless against them. The endless water quickly soaked through their coats, their boots, and their socks (which wasn't saying much, as Main's feet dipped into the water at times anyway.) Streams of water fell from their hair tips.

"Are we there yet?!" Main shouted, to be heard over the thunderous rain and choppy waves.

"I don't know!" Helena replied. "My phone's out of range." She lurched over the side, and threw up. "I hate travelling by goose! Travelling by map is much more efficient."

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