LXVI - "Joffery for king!"

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After forming a game plan,  the Shakespearean sonnets continued: Main and Buttercup leading, with Helena and Bevan bringing up the rear. The typos were slowly shepherded from the room. They left a hall of bewildered, bloody dignitaries in their wake. Our protagonists voices slowly faded down the hallway.

"Right," a squat man in a yellow tuxedo jacket said, after taking a tally of the survivors. "I'm claiming the throne."

"This is the kingdom of Pop," a young woman declared. She had thick curly hair, and smeared purple lipstick across her face. "I claim this Lorde-ship."

"Joffery for king!" a blonde women shrieked, drawing her sword.

"Isn't Buttercup still alive?" someone rational queried.

They were so busy arguing, they didn't notice the disaster unfurling outside the great cathedral windows.


Preceded by their singing, Buttercup led the group confidently through the winding castle passageways. She drew to a stop outside the library's double doors.

 Main wrenched them open dramatically. Instead of library, he was confronted with a white void.

He rubbed his eyes. "What?" 

The ominous emptiness persisted. He opened and closed the doors several times, meeting the same foreboding nothingness. A bad feeling snaked its way around his heart and lungs.

He turned around for a second opinion. Bevan shrugged from behind the massive herd of Typos. They were packed like sardines from wall-to-wall, too thick to pass through.

Buttercup glanced outside the window, and stared open-mouthed at the chaos outside. "Ah, Main?"

The world was disintegrating: huge hunks of earth were uprooting from the horizon, like the gravity and ground had had a very, very bad disagreement. A blizzard of white swarms set themselves on the floating hunks, leaving only a frightening two-dimensional whiteness in their wake.  

"What's going on, Main?" Bevan asked, worry breaking his voice.

Main stared, speechless for what felt like an eternity. "The world is ending," he said tonelessly.  

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