Love is Thrown Around a lot Don't you think?

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Next Day, April 3rd.

Bella's POV

I woke the next morning in Harry's arms. I tried to get out without waking him, but just as I was about to get up Harry pulled me back down.

"Harry, come on we have work."

"Oh shit! What am I gonna wear?"

"You look fine."

An hour later we were on our way to work. Harry insisted on driving. When we were halfway there my phone rang.... It was Tom.


"Hi." Tom said through the phone.

"I got to talk to you."

"Yeah sure, what?"

"Um... Harry and I are together now I'm really sorry."

"It's fine, I think we might be better off friends anyway."

"Ok, thank you for understanding."

"Yeah no problem." We said our goodbyes and two minutes later I was off the phone.

Harry thought it was best that we told Simon that we were now officially boyfriend/girlfriend,so we walked into his office.

"Hi Simon, uhhh, we just wanted to tell you that Bella is my girlfriend." Harry said.

"I don't want this to interfere with your work."

"It won't sir, we promise."

"Ok then. Oh and Bella, I just want you to sit in on their soundcheck and recording process today."

"Ok, sir."

Harry and I walked back to the recording room. All the boys were in there and there was only one chair open. Harry sat down and I sat on his lap. I spun around and kissed Harry just because I knew the guys would tease him.

Harry's tongue ran across my bottom lip, but it was to soon to make out. I pulled away. I looked at Harry apologetically, when I turned around Harry was biting his lip. I hope Harry didn't think we were going to do anything soon, because I am not ready. I didn't want to get into another fight so I let it go.

I gave Harry another kiss hoping that it would settle him down, but I was wrong it brought him up... all of him up. I jumped up to see what it was and when I realized I looked at Harry. He was motioning for me to sit back down.

"Uhh... I have to go to the bathroom," Harry said bouncing me up before holding his crotch and running out of the room. What was that all about? was the question all the guys wanted me to answer I just shrugged and sat back to relax.

I cannot believe that just happened. Harry came back 5 minutes later and thank god he was normal again.

About 6 hours later, after all the recording and stuff, the work day was over. The girls and I were going shopping for the party tonight so Harry got a ride with Louis. I told him I would call him later or see him tomorrow, before kissing him and walking away.

When I got home Lauren and Jess were sitting on the couch.

"Ready to go?"

They grabbed their stuff and we went to the store. We decided against decorations so we just went to the food store, and then to the beer distributor.

2 hours later we were back sitting on the couch making a list of everything we needed to do and who was gonna do it.

I was in charge of getting ice, and cleaning the main bathroom. I decided not to do them tonight because the ice would melt and the bathroom would get messy again.

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