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Sunday June 20th

Jesse's POV

We were all in the lobby of our apartment building waiting for the car to come and get us. It was 5 in the morning and we were getting ready to go to the Bahamas. I didn't feel any better about Niall then I did last night, but I had to deal with it. I was pretty much cried out so I didn't have to worry about that, but you never know.

Two cars finally came to pick us and I made sure to get into the opposite one as Niall. I was planning on staying as far away from him as I could.

As we arrived at the airport we all checked our bags and received our boarding passes. It was then that I realized I would be sitting next to him on the small plane for all those hours.

Bella's POV

I sat down next to Harry as we boarded the plane. Niall and Jess were sitting across the aisle from us and I noticed how they were both leaning to opposite sides as if they wanted to be as far away as possible.

Which they obviously did. It's hard to think that everything could fall apart with one mistake so quickly.

"In just a few days we will officially be married." Harry smiled.

"I know. Are we still gonna have a big reception in a few months or like next year?" I asked.

"Whatever you want." He kissed me forehead and I leaned into him. I slowly felt myself fall into a deep sleep as we lifted off the ground and flew away.

Niall's POV

I was watching 21 Jump Street as we flew towards the Bahamas. I was trying to lean into the aisle, so there would be no awkward encounters with Jessica. I don't know how I'm going to survive this week. I really don't. I miss her way to much and I can't go back to her. Every time I think of how much I miss her, I think of her being with Tom and it pisses me off all over again.

As I laughed at something the movie said there was a giggle from right next to me. I looked up to see Jess's face beet red and her hand covering her mouth.

"Do you wanna watch it with me?" I asked cautiously. I really shouldn't be doing this, but it's her favorite movie and I had original intentions of watching it with her.

"No it's fine. I don't have to."

"No, really it's fine." I said my voice shaking as I took a good glimpse at her beauty. She had her hair in a bun with sweats on and she still managed to look like a queen. How is she still not mine? I truly to remind myself that it wasn't my fault and that there was nothing I could do about it, but it didn't help. She nodded slowly and I handed her a pair of headphones as I plugged them into the splitter so we could both listen. She leaned in and my breath hitched in my throat. I could smell her signature perfume and could feel her breath on my neck.

I cleared my throat and scooted closer to the aisle trying not to make it obvious. Which I did not succeed on. When I looked back up she was staring at me with a distressed face and all I wanted to do was make her feel better but there was nothing just could do about it.

Harry's POV

As I looked towards Niall and Jess they were both hovered over Niall's laptop and an uncomfortable looking Niall was looking everywhere but the computer screen. I felt bad for the poor guy. He didn't want any of this to happen. He loved talking about what would happen when they got married and had kids and BAM! now it was all gone.

Jess's POV

I just stopped on my floor of the hotel after checking in with Bella and Harry. They had the honeymoon suite, so it was not on the same floor as mine. I unlocked the door and dropped my bags on the ground. I walked into the living area looking around to see there was a decent sized kitchen with two doors leading off of the open area. I assumed one was my bedroom and the other was the bathroom.

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