The Talk

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Lauren's POV

When we got back onto the bus is was only about 8:30. Since it was still early Jess called her mom to see if it was okay to come tonight. It was only a twenty minute ride so it seemed logical.

Her parents said it was fine so now we were on our way to BEVERLEY HILLS! I was so excited!

When we got there Jess introduced everyone to her family. We then had dessert that her mom prepared and hung out for a little while. Then Mrs. Harris broke out old photographs.

Bella's POV

Mrs.Harris loves old photographs. Jess and I were sitting on the couch with the huge photo album on our laps. Harry was sitting next to me and Niall was next to Jess. The rest of the crew was standing around us. Melissa was on the phone with her boyfriend and Taylor was taking a shower.

I turned to a picture where I was about 12.

"Wow, you lost quite a few pounds." Louis pointed, out talking about me. I knew he was joking, but it didnt feel that way.

"If sticking my finger down my throat and forcing pounds off me is what you meant, then yes I have lost quite a few pounds." I said while getting up and walking away. I didn't want to cause a big scene, this is why I hated looking through photo albums. I went into Jess's bedroom on the 2nd floor and layed down and cried.

Two minutes after I came up Jess came up with me.

"They're going to find out anyway, might as well tell them yourself." With saying that, she gave me a quick hug and a sympathetic smile before getting up and walking out. Not before giving me tissues first.

Harry's POV

"Deja vú." I said with a sigh. I still didnt know what was going on and neither did anyone else, except for Jess and her family.

Bella's POV

After about 15 minutes of deciding how I would tell them I walked back downstairs. They were all sitting on the couches now. When they heard me come down they all looked up.

"There's something you guys don't know about me." I started while I sat down next to Jess. Everyone was now staring at me, I had their full attention. So I continued, "When I just started middle school I was 11 and I was made fun of because of my weight. As you saw in the picture I wasn't small. It was only the eighth graders so I figured it would stop next year. Jess was by my side the whole time. Finally seventh grade came along. I felt more confident because those kids that originally made fun of me weren't there, but the new eighth graders obviously picked up on something, and they decided to bully me." I took a deep breath before going on, "I decided to work out more and eat healthier. Jess and I started a workout plan and that was not easy. My legs would be sore for days and I didn't see it making a difference. Then the second half of they year came along and I had health. In health we were learning about bulimia. To me it sounded like the perfect solution. I would watch my portions and if I ate to much throw some of it up." Now tears started streaming down my face. "That's how it started, no one suspected anything, just how I wanted it. I started throwing up my dinner while the shower was running. It was the perfect plan. Then I decided I would start throwing up my lunch sometimes, too. One day while I was sticking my finger down my throat this popular eighth grader walked in on me and saw. She started rumors about me that were all true. Everyone believed them and everyone besides Jess was against me. It got the point where I threw up everything I ate and didnt go to school. In eighth grade I convinced my mom to home school me. She finally caved in after I begged practically everyday. Jess was the only one who cane to see me. One night I passed out on the bathroom floor. I was trying so hard to throw up my dinner, but I couldn't. I kept trying and trying, my body had become too fragile. I was still fat, somehow it wasn't working for me. I woke up before anyone could find me. I decided I should start working out to help the process along. One night I was on the phone with Jess running on the treadmill when I passed out." Now tears were brewing in Jess's eyes. "Jess called my parents who then brought me to the hospital. The doctors figured out right away I was bulimic. My parents were shocked. They haven't been the same to me ever since. I was entered into rehab for kids and support groups. It was the worst six months of my life. After that, I started to get healthier. I had a whole new outlook on life. I exercised and dieted in a healthy manner and finally got the body I always wanted. I went back to high school and faced all of those terrible people. I wasn't scared anymore, because I knew I was a survior." With that the tears streamed down my face. I don't think anyone knew what to say.

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