Everything He Never Was

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Harry's POV

When we all got back to Jess's and Laurens we all sat around on the couch having beers.

"So, do you guys want to come to the Bahamas?" I asked everyone.

"I don't want to intrude on the wedding but maybe we can leave before the wedding." Hanna suggested.

"Oh please. You guys have 3 weeks to find a dress or tux for the wedding, find a condo on the beach and get plane tickets." Bella laughed. Everyone agreed and we were all talking about how much fun it would be.

At about 10:30 everyone decided to head home so Bella and I went upstairs to our apartment.

"Are you going to ask Gemma if she wants to come with us?" Bella asked me when we walked in the door.

"No." I simply stated.

"Why not?"

"Because then I wouldn't be able to do this whenever I wanted." I said pushing Bella up against the wall and kissing her passionately. She put her hands on my chest and pushed me back.

"Harry, we have to work tomorrow." She said trying to push me off of her.

"Who cares?"

"I do, I'm tired can we please just go to bed?" She asked me yawning.

"Ok, come on." I said letting her go and walking towards our bedroom. I stood in front of the door and gave her a kiss before walking in and turning on the light. She went into the bathroom and washed off all of her makeup while I got changed out of my clothes. When she got out of the bathroom I was already in bed. She went into the closet and got changed into her pajamas before climbing into bed next to me.

"Goodnight," I said softly to her. Instead of her responding her light breathing let me know she was asleep.

Monday July 1st.

Bella's POV

When I got into work I was informed to go straight to Simon's office. He had to go out, but had left some files for me to put away on his desk. When I got into his office there was a note on his desk on top of some files.


Here are some files I would like you to put away.


As you could tell Simon was a very straight forward man. He didn't play any games.

About an hour later.

When Simon came in I was just about done putting the files in. He came in talking on his cellphone, gave me a smile, and sat down in his big chair. I just finished putting his files away as he said goodbye and put his phone down.

"Do you have a minute Mr. Cowell?" I asked him politely.

"Call me Simon, but sure." He motioned for me to sit down in the chair across from his.

"Well, I am actually going back to college at the end of August. So that means I won't be able to work here anymore."

"Well, I wish there was something I could do, but I don't want to hold you back from somethin you want to do. You were the best assistant I have ever had Bella."

"Thank you! I was wondering if there was anyway I could be done the 18th. I am going to the Bahamas that Friday and I would like some time to get myself ready for college when I get back."

"Sure and I assume the boys would like off as well." I just smiled.

"Thank you for this amazing oppurtunity."

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