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Harry's POV

It was Sunday morning, April 7th. I was woken up by my phone going off. It was Gemma.

After talking on the phone with Gemma I found out that they were taking a trip to see me next weekend. My mum's boyfriend is coming with them. Nice of her to check in with me first...

Lou and I didn't have a guest bedroom, so I was going to ask Bella if Gemma and I could stay here, I knew Gemma would love to spend time with Bella anyway.

I just didn't know how I was gonna ask her. Jesus, I hope Louis didn't feel awkward staying with just my mum and her bofriend.

Bella woke up at about 11 and I was downstairs. I made her toast and coffee.

"Good morning, love." I said, smiling at her.

"What do you want Harry?"

"Do I always have to want something?"

"Yes." She said with a smile.

"Ok, well the thing is my mum, her boyfriend, and Gemma are coming next weekend and I don't have enough room in my flat."

"You can stay here if you want."

"Ok, but Gemma doesn't sleep well on our couch, and my mum and her boyfriend wouldn't fit on the couch."

"What are you saying?"

"Can Gemma stay in your spare room?"

"I don't have a spare room."


"I'll see if Jess will stay at Niall's."

"Your the best! Well, I got to go. So, I will see you later babe. I had fun last night."

"Me too." She said, walking me too the door. I kissed her before walking out.

Bella's POV

"JESS!" I screamed into her room.

"What!?" She said obviously annoyed I had waken her and Niall up.

"I am meeting Harry's mum and sister this weekend and I don't know what to do! Oh and can you stay at Niall's? Gemma needs a bed, she can't sleep on couches."

Jess looked at me before looking at Niall.

"Of course." Niall said.

"Thank you! Ok, now what did you do when you met Niall's parents?" I asked Jess.

"Well besides for the fact of getting their son's in a fight, walking out when their son was in the hospital, having to tell them Niall and I broke up, and crying half the time, I was just myself. Just be polite, you'll be fine. Dress appropiately." Niall winced as she named all the events of last weekend.

"I'm sorry again, Jess." Jess smiled at Niall and kissed him.

"Don't be." Niall smiled and they kissed some more.

"Can you two stop!" I said walking over to sit on the chair next to Jess's bed. There was a pair of girl's pajama pants rolled up in a ball on the side of her bed.

"Jess, what are those." I said pointing at them.

"I got hot!" Jess said. Niall winked at her.

"Eww..." I said laughing.

"Get out." Jess said. By now I was in hysterics and Niall was laughing too, "Niall, it's not funny!"

"I'm sorry babe. Bella I swear we weren't doing anything." Niall said. I walked out of her room, still laughing.

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