The Family Arrives

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Bella's POV

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." The priest spoke. I leaned into Harry and he kissed me full on the lips. I smiled into the kiss and so did he. Everyone was cheering and I truly don't believe I could be any happier.

"Ahhh! Congratulations." Jess said wrapping her arms around Harry and I. I smiled and thanked her and also thanked everyone else. We then all made our way down the beach farther towards a patio. We all sat down at the table, when the photographer came over and suggested we do pictures now. We agreed and made our way down to the water. We took a few different. Me and the guys, me and the girls, all of us, just Harry and I, singles. It took a long time. By the time we made it back up to the patio I was starving.

"We are married." Harry smiled putting his hand on my leg. I smiled back at him and gave him get another kiss. I honestly good not believe it myself.

Niall's POV

As we finished dinner, I motioned for Jess to follow me so we could bring out the cake. Hesitating for a minute she got up and followed me into the hotel. We took the elevator up to our room and got the cake that was sitting on the counter.

"I had fun today." Jess said as we got on the elevator. "And listen, thanks for putting up with me the past few days. I know they haven't been easy on either of us and I only made the situation worse. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if we were friends." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. One minute she's telling me we can't be friends and the next we can be. However, I just went along with it.

"Yeah, that would be good " We smiled at each other, before riding the rest of the way down in a comfortable silence.

Wednesday June 23rd

Harry's POV

I woke up the next morning to my phone buzzing on the nightstand. I groaned before rolling over and grabbing it careful not to wake Bella.

It was Liam.

"Hello." I said, annoyed that he woke me up this early. It was only 8.

"Get ready, we have a interview today at 10. I figured we would all go and after we can head to the airport to pick up your family."

"I guess that's fine."

"So your married now." He said. I could hear the smile in his voice.

"You do realize I'm trying to sleep. Not everyone wakes up as early as you do."

"Were you busy last night?"

"Goodbye Liam." I said chuckling. "Bella, wake up." I said slightly shaking her.

"No." She turned over and sighed.

"Come on. We are going to an interview and then to pick up our parents."

"An interview, but we are on vacation." She responded sitting up in bed. My t shirt hung loose on her body.

"I know. We leave at 10."

"Whatever you say husband." I smiled at her cling me that even though it is true.

Niall's POV

I took a deep breath as we walked into the interview. It was a radio interview. I hope they didn't ask who was single even though I knew they would. Sure enough it was one of the first questions they asked.

I hesitated, I looked over to Jess to see she was shaking her head. I refrained to raising my hand.

"So you all have a girlfriend?" The interviewer questioned. I slowly nodded my head and all the boys looked at me with a confused look. They then continued to talk about Harry and Bella and us going to Ghana.

I didn't say much because I was still confused at what just happened. I walked out of the interview and Jess was standing there waiting for me.

"What was that about?" I asked her.

"I don't want people to know yet." We took a step outside and there were tons of paparazzi. Without even thinking Jess grabbed my hand and smiled. I looked at her. "You know they would say it's my fault that we broke up."

"Well it is." I said dropping her hand and walking away. The paparazzi were asking me what was going on and screaming towards me.

Ugh. Sometimes she can be a real bitch.

Harry's POV

The interview went well. Niall said he was still in a relationship, which I just do not understand. When we walked out him and Jess were holding hands and then he just walked away, so don't know what happened there. The rest of our friends were in a different car than me and Bella so that we can fit our family in.

They were just gonna go back to the hotel instead of coming with us because there really was no point of all of us being there.

Bella and I were waiting at baggage claim for our family to arrive. They announced the arrival of the flight they were , so we got up from where we were sitting and stood by the belt that was supposed to be holding their luggage.

I spotted them first and my sister ran over to me. I gave her a big hug and she also gave Bella one just as everyone else reached us. Josh, Gemma's boyfriend, Kristen, Luke, surprisingly Amanda was not with him, and and our parents walked up following Gemma. We all grabbed their bags and headed to the car.

"Why isn't Amanda coming?" Bella asked Luke.

"Well we kinda broke up." He stated.

Bella looked at me before replying, "Oh I'm sorry."

He brushed it off and we continued making small talk about the wedding and how everyone has been.

"So, have you guys been having fun in the Bahamas?" John asked.

I looked over at Bella and took her hand in mine. "Yes, we actually are officially married as of yesterday." I answered us both keeping our eyes on the road.

"Oh. Why were we not invited?" Kristen questioned us.

"We figured you wouldn't want to come." Bella answered before I could.

"Why would we not want to come?" Luke asked. Are they kidding me.

"Pretty much all of you guys have been trying to break us apart and don't support our relationship, so we didn't want people who thought we shouldn't be getting married at our wedding." I said matter of factly.

"Oh." Was all my mum could say.

Bella's POV

Later that night Harry and I were sitting on the beach watching the sunset.

"Should we have invited them to the wedding?" I asked Harry.

"Babe, they would have just said what we don't want to hear. They barely support us and you know that."

"I guess so, I just feel kinda bad."

"It was perfect. It happened, we are married. Stop dwelling on the past and think about our future." He leaned down and kissed my temple as I smiled. He's right. Everything was perfect.

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