Just a Big Misunderstanding

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Monday June 8th

Bella's POV

The next morning I woke up before Harry, so I started to get ready for work. I only had this week and next week and then I was done. I didn't bother to take a shower, so I just washed up and did my makeup. My hair was still curled from last night so I left it. I put on a long sleeve lace crop top and a black circle skirt. I left heels by the front dooor so I could put them on before work and went into the kitchen to eat breakfast.

Harry came out about 10 minutes later all dressed and ready, with my heels in hand.

"I figured you were wearing these." He said putting them down next to me.

"Thank you." I said. "Are you ready?" I asked him. He nodded. I grabbed my phone and keys and walked out the door. We arrived at Syco records 5 minutes early. I walked into Simon's office.

"You will just be listening in on the boys recording their songs today. Just make sure they stay in line." He said.

"Okay thank you." I said. I walked into the recording room and all the boys were sitting on the couch. "I have the pleasure of hanging out with you losers all day." I said. They all laughed and made room for me on the couch.

"You can hear our angelic voices." Harry said.

"Harry your up!" The person said.

"Wish me luck." He said putting his phone down on the table. He went into the booth. It took him a few minutes to get the part down. After he had it down they made him do it a whole bunch of times. After the second time he sang it his phone went off. I picked it up to see who it was. It was Jess. 'Dont worry she will never figure it out.' The text said. What? I looked to the previous messages.

Jess~ Meet me after work, keep it a secret.

Harry~ I don't want her to know

Jess~ Don't worry she will never figure it out

I felt a single tear roll down my cheek. I threw the phone against the wall and whipped around. Just as I was about to run out of the room I felt someone grab my wrist.

"What's wrong?" Niall asked.

"Get the fuck off of me." I snapped at him before storming out of the room. As soon as I got out of the room I didn't know where to go. I turned right and opened the first door I could. It was empty and I went inside. I turned the light on and slid down against the door. So, he's cheating on me. I thought to myself as I sat there crying uncontrollably.

Harry's POV

When I looked up in the booth I saw Bella storming out of the room. I saw Niall and Louis jump up after her and practically sprint out of the room. I dropped the earphones and dodged to the door.

"Where did Bella go?" I asked Liam.

"I don't know." He replied. I sighed and went into the hallway. I looked both ways and decided to go right. Where would she have gone!

Niall's POV

Louis and I followed Bella into the hall and fortunately we saw her go into the empty room. When we reached the room we knocked on the door. I could hear her crying from the outside.

"Bella, let me in. What happened?" I said still banging on the door. When she didn't answer me I tried to push the door open. I finally pushed hard enough and pushed something out of the way. When I walked in I realized it was Bella that I pushed.

"Niall, Louis please just leave me alone." She said between sobs. I looked at Louis and shook his head. We both sat down on either side of her when she moved back against the door. I held her hand and Louis held the other one.

"What happened?" I asked her. I didn't know how far I should push her since it only just happened, but I want to make sure she is okay.

"Harry is cheating on me with Jess," she said shakily. After she said it she broke down crying again.

"With who?" Louis asked her. I didn't know if she was going to be ready to talk about it all yet, but it was worth a shot.

"Jess," she said quietly and turned her head towards me. "Now please I need to be alone." she added. I nodded and so did Louis. She moved away from the door and we slid out the door.

"Where's that bastard?" I said as I walked down the hallway. I walked into the recording room to see Harry sitting on the couch with tears in his eyes. As soon as he saw us he stood up.

"Where is she?" He asked us.

"Why should I tell you, bastard?" I took a step closer to him. Louis grabbed my wrist and Harry took a step back.

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked me.

"Like you don't know! You know how much I love Jess. You know how much Bella loves you. Why would you do this?" I asked him. Tears were starting to form in my eyes as I realized that Jess cheated on me. Was I supposed to forgive her and we could just go back to the way we were before? or was I supposed to break up with her and be even mre eartbroken?

"Why would I what?" Harry questioned me.

"Don't play dumb with me! Why would you cheat on Bella with Jess?!" I screamed at him. I loosened out of Louis's grip and walked to towards Harry.

"WHAT? Why would I cheat on Bella?"

"Because you did!" I screamed at him I held up my fist and punched Harry right in the jaw. I have to admit it hurt my hand, but it felt really good to let some anger out on the man who caused it. Harry held his jaw and groaned.

"Niall, stop it!" Louis screamed at me pulling me back by just my shirt.

"He cheated on Bella with my fucking girlfriend he deserves evrything I just said and did!"

"I didn't cheat on Bella and Jess didn't cheat on you. Where's Bella? Harry said. He was awfully calm especially after me punching him in the jaw. "Niall, I swear to you, I didn't cheat on Bella. Why would you think that?"

"Your phone went off and Bella looked at it then just started crying and ran out of the room."

"Where's my phone?" I asked them.

"She threw it against the wall." Liam said slightly laughing to himself.

"OH MY GOD! How could I be so stupid, I was texting Jess about me proposing to Bella and she said meet me after work, keep it a secret." Harry said sitting down on the couch.

"What do you mean propose?" I asked him.

"I was going to propose to Bella and Jess has been helping me." He explained.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry. Bella is in the first door to the right on the right." I told him. He nodded and got up walking out of the room.

Harry's POV

I knocked on the door that Niall told me Bella was in. I could hear someone sobbing quietly inside. What have I done?

"Who is it?" She asked. I knew she would never answer the door for me, so I put on my best Irish accent and said Niall' name. She opened the door, but as soon as she saw me she tried to close it, but I stopped it with my hand. Smooth, Styles.

"Harry, I don't want to talk to you."

"Can I please just explain myself. It was all just a big mis understanding." She didn't respond so I continued, "Jess was helping me plan the proposal for you. She wanted to show me a place where I could do it, but we wanted to keep it a secret. That's what you saw. It was all just a big misunderstanding. I guess I have no choice, but to do it now."

I sat one knee and pulled the box out of my pocket. Bella turned towards me.

"So, you weren't cheating on me?" She asked me.

"Of course not, I love you so much Bella. I have never ever felt this way about anyone or anything. I want to give you everything you deserve. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and one day I want to start a family with you. I know it's soon, but I know we can do it. We don't have to have the big wedding just yet. Maybe in like a year I will plan the perfect proposal and we can do it all over again. I just want to make sure that your mine forever... and always." I formed a tear in my eye. Thank goodness I practiced this speech before. "Bella, will you marry me?"

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