Ice Skating

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Fast Forward to June 14th...

Jess's POV

"You all packed?" I asked Niall while plopping down on his bed. He nodded and layed down next to me. "You know it's really great, you guys going to Ghana and helping the kids there." I smiled turning over to face him.

"I'm really excited, but we have talked about that a million times. The real question is, what are we going to do for our last day together before I leave." He questioned me. I knew what I wanted to do before he even asked so before I knew it we were lacing up our ice skates at the rink that just opened up in town.

"Have you ever been ice skating before?" I asked Niall. I know he hadn't by the look on his face when we stood up with our ice skates on. He was way to wobbly for me to even think he had ever been on ice skates before. He just shook his head and smiled confirming my suspicions.

"Baby, I don't want to embarrass myself." Niall whispered to me, holding my hands to steady himself. I giggled until he silenced me with a kiss. "I'm serious." He whined.

"You'll be fine." I dragged him onto the rink and sure enough he fell. I couldn't help myself but to laugh. He pouted and I held out my hand for him. I tried to lift him up, but I couldn't. He smirked and yanked me down so I fell on top of him. He smiled and kissed me on the forehead.

I tried to get off because people were staring, but he wouldn't let me. "Niall, let me go!" I pushed him, still laughing. I steadied myself and got up. Niall held out his hand for me to help him, but I just turned around and skated off. Before I knew it his hands were wrapped around my waist.

"I thought you said you didn't know how to skate?"

"Maybe I lied," He smirked. I cannot believe him.

"Wow, I am really surprised with you Niall James Horan." Niall shrugged before grabbing my hand as we skated together. After a few minutes I wobbled and fell right on my ass. Niall laughed and I held out my hand knowing he wouldn't take it. He laughed again and skated away.

"A pretty lady like you should not be sitting on the ice alone." A guy skated over, grabbing my hand and pulling me up. I stood up and steadied myself.

"Thank you so much! My boyfriend skated off." I laughed.

"Her boyfriend was just about to come back for her," Niall came up behind me faking a laugh.

"Okay, well if I was your boyfriend I wouldn't have left you alone in the first place." The guy smiled giving Niall a dirty look. I stifled a laugh before thanking him and skating away with Niall. Niall huffed and I laughed out loud.

"What's so funny?" Niall turned to me.

"I cant believe you think I would actually go for any other guy!" I laughed. Niall smiled.

"Promise?" He smiled.

"Pinky," I said holding out my pinky.

"Your such a child," He laughed interlocking our fingers as we skated around the rink.

Bella's POV

"What do you want to today, I'm all yours?" Harry said sitting down on the couch next to me.

"Let's watch the last song." I smiled. He got up and put it in. I got blankets from the closet and made some popcorn. When I came back the movie was starting and Harry was in a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.

I sat down on the couch and handed Harry the bowl of popcorn. He covered us with a blanket and we started the movie.

The movie was about over. Ronnie was just about to make her speech at her father's funeral. I ALWAYS cried at this part. Harry and I have watched this movie plenty of times so this is something he is aware of. When she started I could feel Harry staring at me as the tears rolled down my cheeks. He wiped the tears away with the pad of his thumb. I smiled and Harry kissed my temple.

"I'm tired," I yawned as the credits began rolling. I sprawled out across the couch with my head resting on his lap.

"Might as well give me a blowjob while your down there." Harry smirked. I groaned and got up wrapping the blanket tighter around me. I giggled as I ran away from him into the bedroom. "Babe wait!" He yelled following into the room.

"Your such a perv." I laughed laying down on the bed hoping he would climb in after. Sure enough, he climbed in after me and wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer.

Lauren's POV

"Did you finish packing?" I asked Zayn, sitting down on his bed.

"I didn't even start," he laughed pulling out a suitcase from the top of his closet.

"Are you joking?'' I questioned.

"No, now help me pack." I pouted, but got up and helped him anyway.

About 2 hours later we were sitting on the couch my legs draped over his eating Chinese food.

"How's your grandfather?" I asked him. I met his family last Saturday and absolutely loved them. They were so welcoming and lovable. We visited his grandfather and he was such a nice man. He was so funny and didn't fail to make me laugh from the moment I walked in.

"He's okay. Still in the hospital, but they think he is improving."

"Good," I smiled.

"You know, what would happen if we had an extra bed on that tour bus?" Zayn spoke up out of nowhere.

"My life wouldn't be as perfect as it is right now." I smiled.

"I'm gonna miss you."

"I'm going to miss you to, but just picture it your going to be helping people in need and two days after you get back we will be going to paradise together." I stated moving closer to Zayn. When I was sitting on his lap he pulled me even closer crashing our lips together. "Let's just enjoy this moment right now.

Next day Wednesday, June 15th

"Zayn! Wake up!" I yelled. It was 8:15 and the car was picking us up for the airport in 15 minutes. He rubbed his eyes before opening them fully.

"Come on! You have 15 minutes to get ready! Go in the shower, I'll get you breakfast and put everything by the door."

At 8:29 Zayn and I were down at the lobby with Liam and Danielle with their bags. I said hi to Danielle and she informed me that she was staying in our apartment while they were away. Perrie and Eleanor were staying with Bella.

Jess's POV

We arrived at the gate and I gave all the boys a hug before returning to Niall's side.

"I love you." I simply stated, giving him a hug.

"I love you more." He smiled giving me a kiss on the forehead before kissing me on the lips.

Bella's POV

Jake~ Hey Bella I'm having a party tonight. You should stop by. I know the girls are staying with you and they are more than welcome. Dress casual.

Me~ Yeah, that sounds great. I'm sure the girls would love to come. I'll come around 8?

Jake~ Yep that's good

"Girls, who's up for a party?" I asked the girls. They all agreed and I gave them the details. We decided we would go out to lunch before we started getting ready. We went to Chipotle and by the time we were done it was already 3. We headed back to the apartments.

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