The Cemetery

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Lauren's POV

I turned around to see Josh holding a grocery basket. I looked at Zayn and he just shrugged.

"Hi, um how are you?" I asked him.

"I see you and Zayn are still together."

"Uh, yeah why wouldn't we be?" I asked him confused at what he meant.

"I figured it was like a drunken club thing."

"You know we met at a club."

"Yeah, but I'm different."

"Oh is that so?" Zayn asked annoyed.

"Yeah, I'm not some rock star who doesn't care about other people," Josh said stepping up to Zayn. All I saw was Zayn fist come in contact with Josh's cheek. I didn't realize what was going on until Josh punched Zayn in the eye.

"Guys! Stop it!" I screamed. After throwing a few more punches they finally stopped.

"I loved you!" Josh screamed at me.

"I know! I'm sorry, but now I love Zayn." I said Josh looked hurt, but he just walked away. I sighed and turned my attention towards Zayn. He was holding his nose.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" I asked him pulling his hand away he. He had a nose bleed. I squeezed his noise and he laughed at me. "Come on, lets go home."

Bella's POV

It took about six hours to clean out my whole room. Niall and Harry had just brought the last box downstairs.

"Goodbye," I said turning out the light and shutting the door. I just hoped that another little girl or boy will be able to make as many memories as I did in that room. I gave Jess a hug and then I did a walk through of the house before saying a goodbye to it for the rest of my life.

I closed the door for the last time and walked right to the car. I'm not going to look back. Now I am starting a new chapter in my life.

Jess's POV

When we got home Zayn was holding an ice pack to his cheek and he had band aids on his knuckles.

"What the hell happened?" I asked him.

"I got into a fight."

"What! Why? With who?"

"Josh. He was making comments about me being a rockstar and how I don't deserve Lauren!"

"Are you okay?" Harry asked him,

"Yeah, I'm fine, I think I'm just going to go lay down," he said. Lauren and him got up and walked upstairs. With that they were gone.

Sunday June 16th.

Lauren's POV

That morning I woke up crying. I had another nightmare. This happens every year around this time. Today was the day my parents died in a car accident four years earlier. Zayn tried to convince me to let him stay the night and go to the cemetery with me, but I didn't even let my ex Joe go with me. When I looked down, Carly and Mandy were no longer sleeping on my floor. Every year we would have a sleepover before going to visit their grave the next day. The tradition made me feel better in some odd way. I walked downstairs to find Carly and Mandy sitting at the island talking to Bella and Harry. As I sat down they all stopped talking and looked at me.

"Why are you staring at me?" I snapped.

They all shrugged and mumbled there apologies.

"I'm going to go get ready," I said. They all nodded so I got up and walked back to my room.

It took about 30 minutes to get ready. I took a shower and left my hair natural. I put on very minimal makeup with waterproof mascara. I slipped into a black cross strap dress and my black lace toms. I looked at myself in the mirror and then at the picture on my nightstand of my parents and I. A single tear rolled down my cheek, I wiped it away before leaving my room.

"Good morning, Niall," I said as he left Jess's room.

"Morning, how are you? Jess told me about your parents," I turned around and stared at him. I was completely shocked he asked me how I was. Usually everyone is awkward around me today.

"I'm ok," I said. Niall held his arms open, I laughed slightly and gave him a friendly hug. "I miss them," I whispered to no one in particular.

I don't think Niall heard me because he let go and gave me a small kiss on the forehead before going downstairs.

Bella's POV

Right after Lauren left everyone else came over. We were hangin out here today and then having dinner here later.

"Everybody, I have an announcement," I said laughing at how stupid I sound.

"As of late August, I will not be working at Syco Records," I explained to them.

"What?" Harry asks me. I guess I should have told him first, but he doesn't control me.

"I have decided to go back to college. I only did my two years and never majored in anything, I want to become a publicist. I have made enough money from Syco that I can fully afford it on my own," I explained to everyone. I could tell Harry was staring at me, but he should be happy for me. After everyone congratulated me Harry got up and walked into the kitchen. I figure he would expect me to follow him so I did.

"What's wrong? I'm sorry that I didn't tell you, but I figured you would be happy for me."

"I am happy for you, I was just caught off guard that's all," Harry told me pulling me in for a hug.

"I got way more out of that job than I expected," I smiled up at Harry and have him a kiss.

"So, are you moving in with me?" He asked me.

"Yes, but maybe you want to move in with me? I'm gonna miss Jess and Lauren to much."

"What if we get our own place in this apartment building?" Harry suggested. I didn't even think about that.

"That sounds perfect!"

Jess's POV

We were all sitting down on the couch when my phone rang. It was my boss. She informed me that I was behind on my work an I should step it up and get to it. I already had three weeks off an I can't afford to lose this job. I told Niall I would call him later and went upstairs to my office. Once I shut the door an sat down I consumed my thoughts with my work and only my work hoping to get everything done.

Lauren's POV

On the car ride there we stopped to get flowers for the grave. Before we even got there the tears we rolling down my face. Carly who was sitting in the back rubbed my shoulder.

The cemetery was 30 minutes away from where I lived now. As soon as we pulled up I quickly got out of the car and almost ran to where there graves were. I had to get this over with, I knelt down and placed the flowers in the vase they supply on the grave stones. I rubbed the gravestones with my thumb and whispered, "I miss you so much."

When Carly and Mandy made their way over to me they each sat on one side of me. They were even shedding teears.

"I'm really happy. I have a new boyfriend, his name is Zayn. He's a singer in one direction." I continued talking to my parents like I did every year. I told them about everything happening in my life. After sitting there in silence for an hour I started to stand. Mandy and Carly left first saying goodbye to my parents. I sat there for a few extra minutes before saying my own goodbyes and leaving. Until next time mom and dad...

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