You fight on New Years Eve

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"Why are you being like this Y/n?" Niall asked getting frustrated.

"Being like what?"

"Difficult! You didn't come to Ireland over Christmas when I asked you too! I take pictures with girls who are my FRIENDS and get drunk with them, then you get jealous, you don't even fucking drink! And now tonight you keep giving me one word answers,"

"Wow really Niall!? You know I wanted to see my family this Christmas, I'm NOT apologising for that! And yes I don't drink, so what? That doesn't give you permission to start flirting with the next drunk girl with a short skirt that comes across your way! I don't care that you have friends who are girls, but there are boundaries Niall"


"Is there an echo in here all of a sudden!?" You argued.

"Oh for fuck sake I don't even know why I deal with you?" He muttered rubbing a hand over his face then running it through his hair.

You inhaled taking a deep breath. You and Niall had been fighting a lot these past couple of weeks, but this was probably the worst one.

"Maybe...maybe we should just take a break." You blurted without really thinking of the consequences .

Niall stayed silent.

"All we've been doing is fighting, it's New Years Eve Niall, I don't want to go into the New Year when we're like....this,"

Niall's jaw locked and he clenched his fingers, silently challenging you to leave with his eyes.

You bit your cheek to stop from crying. With one last look at him, you took your bag and walked out of the door.

*2 hours later*

"You're sure you still want to go out tonight?" Your best friend asked concerned.

You put on your best fake smile, you couldn't sit in moping because of Niall. You've always wanted to spend New Years in London and see the fireworks by the London Eye.

Niall and you made plans to go yourselves, but seems like plans change. You both even figured out a special spot, on a little hill, not many people have seen it, but it's away from all the hustle and bustle, but the London Eye and Thames River can still be seen clearly.

"You spaced out" your friend waved a hand in front of your face.

"Oh sorry. Yeah of course I'm sure! Let's welcome the new year properly," you smiled.

*almost midnight*

Everyone was so happy. Kids were cheering, adults laughing, the atmosphere was so incredible you almost forgot what had happened earlier. Almost.

"I can't believe you made me buy these stupid glasses," you laughed, looking at the 2016 flashing plastic thing in your hand.

"Best investment EVER," your friend cheered, taking her phone out so you and couple of others could take a selfie.

"Aaagh 45 minutes left!" Someone from the crowd shouted, then everyone cheered and couples started to make out.

A sudden feeling of loneliness came over you.

"Hey, are you okay?" Your friend said a little quieter so others wouldn't hear.

"Err-No actually, I don't know if I can do this," you looked at her with pleading eyes.

She had a sympathetic smile, "Do you want me to go back with you?" You smiled at her, a real genuine one. There are only a few friends you can trust in life and she was definitely one of them.

"No, you enjoy it. But not too much okay, I don't want to be treating your hangover in the morning," you winked.

After a quick hug goodbye, you navigated your way through the crowd, which took 10 minutes. After you got out, you felt like you could breathe properly again.

Without really thinking about it, you walked toward the place Niall and you were supposed to spend New Years.
Once you got to it, you sat down on the grass and faced the London Eye and the masses of crowd surrounding it.

"You don't get to just walk out of my life like that"
A voice from behind startled you, you put a hand on your heart.

You quickly stood up and turned around to face the man who'd stolen your heart.

He wore a stripy light and dark blue buttoned down shirt, his hair perfectly in a quiff, it looked so soft all you wanted to do was run your hand through it. But you couldn't.

"How'd you know I was gonna be here?"

Niall scoffed, "For the past month all you've done is talk about this,"

You were about to turn around to walk away, but Niall put a hand on your shoulder to stop you.

For the first time tonight, you genuinely looked in his eyes. They were determined yet hurt.

"What are you going to do? Leave again?" He challenged.

"Niall I don't wanna fight again," you said defeated.

"You know I fucking love you right? I love you so much that whenever we fight, it hurts to breathe sometimes. I hate it when we fight Y/n and I'll hold my hands up. 9 times out of 10 it's my fault that we do," he cleared his throat to get rid of the scratchiness of his voice.

Did he cry before this?

"I'm sorry about what I said before, I'm an asshole when I'm upset and just say the first thing that I can think of because I'm not used to this y/n. I'm sorry about hanging out with all those girls, I know you didn't like it and Lord knows it'd kill me if I saw you with other guys like that. And you have no idea how much I respect the fact that you don't drink princess." He brought his hand up to caress your cheek, making you take a sharp intake of breath and close your eyes and purse your lips to stop the tears from falling.

"I'm a lover not a fighter. I want to stop fighting over stupid little things, it's not worth it, seeing your hurt face isn't worth it. I hate myself for it. I've never had a relationship longer than a few months, and somehow I always find a way to fuck it up, I don't want that with you y/n. You make me want to be a better person, I literally wake up everyday thanking whoever's up there for bringing you in my life."
His hand dropped from your cheek and caressed up and down your arms.

"The moment I fell in love with you, it was the best and most scary time in my life. I was literally shitting bricks," he joked making you smile a little and look at the ground.

"Don't hide your smile beautiful," he brought your chin up, his face so close you could feel his hot breath on your lips, his nose brushed yours ever so slightly.

He whispered, "I'm sorry for being an asshole.....3,2,1"
He captured your lips into the sweetest kiss, taking you by surprise. Each second into the kiss was better than the last, you could feel the slight chapped feeling of his lips and your lipgloss rubbing off on his, he was so gentle, as if you were about to slip away if he pressed any harder. You wrapped your hands around his neck and pushed closer to him, deepening the kiss as a little groan escaped his lips. As you broke away for air, he left small kisses on your cheek and trailed down your neck as he put his arms around you and brought you into a hug, his head still resting on your neck, leaving a little kiss.

"Happy New Year princess, it's our year,"

You bit your lip smiling, "Happy New Year Niall."


Hi everyone!
I know I haven't written in a gazillion years, but for some reason I just had this urge to write something, so here it is.
I'm really sorry if it's not great, or up to your standards. I'm a little out of practice.

I don't know if I'm going to update again or not. Just like the boys are on a break, I kinda need one for studies too (boo!!) but I kinda left the last update weirdly, so I wanted to say a proper thank you to anyone who's even clicked on this book. THANK YOU!

And Happy New Year! Make this one the best one yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2016 ⏰

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