He reacts badly when you say you're going on a date

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"A date?"


"You're going on a date?"


Were the simultaneous replies you got when you told the boys you were going on a date at the weekend with a cute guy you had recently met. To be honest you didn't really feel anything towards him, but you thought you'd give it a chance with one date.

You were backstage with the boys, waiting as it was a few hours until their show.

"Wow guys thanks for the support," you muttered.

"No it's not that-" Louis started.

"It's just-" Liam carried on.

"We-" Harry added

"Yeah." Liam finished.

You rolled your eyes, "That made complete sense. Niall....what do you think?"

He was the only one who hadn't said anything yet. He sat in one of the chairs in front of the tv with a gaming control in his hand, his eyes were fixed on the screen, but by the looks of it he wasn't paying attention as he was losing his lives.

He stayed silent. "Niall?"

Still no answer. You looked around at the other boys to get answers but they just looked back and forth between you and Niall then looked down.

They knew something.


"I don't give a shit about your new boyfriend y/n!" He exclaimed out of the blue making you jump back a little.


"You heard me!" He put the controller down and turned to you with hurt and angry eyes.

You stayed silent, still shocked from his outburst.

"Where's all this come from?" You finally asked.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't even want you here go away,"

You felt your heart shatter.

His sudden mood change came out of nowhere, he was normally the happy chilled one out of the boys. The guy talking to you right now didn't seem like Niall.

"Fine," you whispered, "if that's what you want,"

"It is, " he answered harshly.

"Okay," you said inaudibly slowly backing out of the room towards the door.

"Don't go y/n" Harry called out. You shook your head and walked out without looking back.

Tears were threatening to fall but you made sure that they didn't. A part of you wanted to go back and demand an explanation, but you knew if you did that, you'd end up crying.

Niall and you were good friends, or so you thought. At the beginning of the friendship you did like him more than a friend but knew nothing could happen so pushed those feelings aside. So hearing the harshness of Niall's words hurt.

*3 days later*

It had been three days and still no word from Niall. The boys phoned and texted to see if you were okay, and they said they didn't know what was wrong with Niall, although you didn't quite believe them.

Tonight was the night of your date, after your little realisation of the fact that you still liked Niall even though he was an absolute idiot towards you, you thought it was best to cancel the date, so you didn't lead the other guy on.

Instead you had a bowl of popcorn, and a bar of chocolate next to you and wore your fluffy onesie. You switched on a movie and intended not to move until morning.

Fifteen minutes into the movie you heard a knock on your door. It was late so you were curious to know who it was.

Mentally groaning for having to stand up to go to the door, you walked over and looked through the peephole.

You saw the familiar face that you had never thought would have shown up. "Niall?" You whispered to yourself.

Hesitantly you opened the door, "Y/n? You're still here thank god," Niall started looking relieved as he ran a hand through his hair.

He looked down at your attire, his face showing a puzzled look, "You're going on your date dressed like.....that"

You raised your eyebrows, not saying anything just giving him a glare, to which he straightened up and coughed awkwardly.

"Listen you can slam the door in my face right now if you want, I deserve it.....but please can I come in and explain?"

You thought about it for a while then opened the door slightly wider signalling for him to walk through.

You closed the door and walked over to the room you were watching the movie in, as Niall followed behind and sat down on to the sofa.

"You know for a person going on a date, you sure don't seem....prepared," he said looking around the room at the food and movie.

"I cancelled," you replied a little quietly.

"What?" Niall asked shocked.

You shrugged your shoulders, "Look is there any actually reason you're here or do you just want to shout in my face again for no reason?"

He frowned, "You're mad at me. I deserve that. I came to apologise,"

You finally looked him in the eyes waiting for his apology, he sat on the other end of the couch fiddling with his hands nervously.

"I got mad because...because I really like you y/n. I've fallen for you and you didn't even know it. And hearing you talk about another guy just....it hurt. I reacted the wrong way and I'm extremely sorry for that, I shouldn't have done that I'm sorry."

The only words that stuck in your mind was 'I've fallen for you'

"Y-you like me?"

He moved closer to you and nodded his head, "I do. So much. I hate myself for acting that way towards yo-"

"I like you too," you cut him off. Making him freeze for a second in response.


You nodded your head, "I do,"

"Is that why you didn't go on your date tonight?" He asked.

You nodded in response.

"Can you forgive me for how I acted?" He asked pouting a little.

You smiled looking at the pleading look on his face, "Yeah, but just this once," you warned.

He nodded eagerly taking your hand in his, intertwining your fingers, "I promise. I'm going to make it up to you, you deserve to be treated like a princess and that's exactly what I'm going to do." He squeezed your hand gently making you blush.

"You're so beautiful" he whispered leaning in and leaving a lingering kiss on your cheek.

"And that onesie looks cute on you," he winked.

I hope you like it!!

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