He asks you to be his girlfriend

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"No way"
"Yes" Niall argued
"There is no way you actually did that" you laughed.
"Fine, okay you're right, but you have to admit, you were impressed right" Niall smirked.

You were both out for a walk, talking about random topics, when Niall tried to convince you that he once did a backflip on stage and landed perfectly, of course he was joking.

Niall and you had been out on a couple of dates, they had both been amazing, not too over the top and it wasn't the cliche going to dinner either, he was creative when it came to dates, but today he just called you out for a walk, which was perfect.

"Well....I was pretty impressed for a second there" you winked, making Niall chuckle.

"Hey erm..y/n can I ask you something?" Niall asked stopping to stand in front of you, whilst scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Sure" you replied "what's up?"

"You're so beautiful y/n" he said, making you blush, turning your head towards the ground so he couldn't see. "Shut up" you mumbled. Niall let out a little laugh before lifting your head so you were looking straight at him "I'm serious." Suddenly everything seemed to slow down, it was like the only people in the world were you two, he leant in, you did the same, your eyes fluttered shut and you felt the soft touch of Niall's lips against yours. His hand reached around your waist, and you placed both of your arms around his neck, both of you taking in this moment, neither of you wanting to let go, but you had to breathe at some point. Your first kiss with Niall was breathtaking.

You both pulled out breathing heavily, foreheads pressed against each other. "That was incredible"Niall whispered.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, still in close proximity to you. You smiled even wider "yes." Niall grinned from ear to ear "good, now I can do this whenever I want" he stated, before you could ask what he was talking about he pressed his lips against yours.

After you both pulled out Niall grabbed your hand intertwining your fingers

"So what do you want to do now girlfriend" he asked emphasising the word.

"Well we could go watch that movie that you were talking about....boyfriend" you giggled at how cheesy you two were being.
Niall leant in to give you a quick kiss "I am your boyfriend aren't I" he smirked. "My girl" he whispered.

Niall Horan Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now