Tired of being a secret

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"Why should everyone else have to know our business? It's nothing to do with them!" Niall asked. You were both sitting on the couch discussing your relationship. You had been dating for over two months and not a lot of people knew, it had to be kept a secret. You were tired of being a secret

"I know it's nobody's business Niall but i want to be able to tell my friends and other members of my family that i have a boyfriend, it's hard lying to them." You answered.

Niall ran his fingers through his hair, he did this when he was put on the spot, frustrated or confused.

"But y/n i like it when it's just us. No one giving us their stupid comments. I don't want to tell anyone about us," he replied. This made your eyes water a little, he just didn't understand how much this meant to you. You took a deep breath before trying to explain to him one more time

"Niall" you grabbed his hands in yours and looked deep into his eyes "It's so hard Niall, i don't like being this secret, it feels wrong. Not just that, we can't even go out in public together like normal couples do. I can't hold your hand when i want to, i can't be seen with you. Whenever we go out we have to take different entrances......" You took another deep breath biting your lip trying hard not to cry "this doesn't even feel like a relationship anymore, it feels more like a secret agent operation sort of thing and i don't want that Niall. I want to be able to tell people you're my boyfriend. I want to be able to go out to the park, bowling, restaurants, theme parks, shopping and wherever else there is. The other boys have come out with their girlfriends, why can't you do the same?" You sniffled, your voice breaking near the end. Maybe Niall didn't even want to be with you after everything, maybe that's the reason he hasn't confirmed your relationship.

You were still holding onto Niall's hands and looking at him, he was staring at you and seemed to be in deep thought, his eyes were a little watery, he was upset, after a couple of minutes he spoke

"I'm sorry"

Niall Horan Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now