Announcing Your Relationship

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You had been dating Niall for over a month now. One Direction had a few months off since they had been on a world wide tour and deserved a little break, this is when you and Niall started to date.

Fans had been seeing Niall with a 'mysterious girl' over the past few weeks and twitter had been blowing up, demanding to know who this girl was and why she was hanging out with Niall. The boys don't really confirm or deny relationships unless asked in an interview, Niall had told you all about what could happen when people find out about you two dating, such as getting hate from the fans, tabloids making up stupid rumours, which for some reason people believe.

You had both been a very private couple and when being followed around by paparazzi, you both kept quiet and just ignored them.

It was a sunny Sunday morning and you and Niall had decided to go out for some ice cream and a walk. "You ready princess?" Niall asked, you nodded your head whilst going to pickup your bag, "Yup let's go."

"Can I have a cookie dough ice cream and a mint choc chip please?" Niall asked the person behind the counter. "How'd you know I wanted cookie dough?" you asked with a grin on your face, "Hmmm could be that I'm just the most amazing boyfriend in the whole wide world  who listens to everything his girlfriend tells him and takes into account all her likes a dislikes," he said whilst smirking, slowly leaning in and giving you a quick peck on the lips.

You both walked through the park after getting your ice creams, "This is nice" you said smiling. "It is isn't it," Niall said agreeing. "I wish we could stay like this forever you know," he said. "What do you mean?" You asked.

"Like, just us two, no one's hard to explain, but I guess what I'm trying to say is, I wish thousands of people didn't care who I'm in a relationship with, it's none of their business and I know we're going to have to tell everyone soon, I just...I just..." he started to shake his head, his voice getting quieter by the second.

You entwined your fingers with his, your thumb running soothing circles on his hand, you wanted him to finish his sentence, "You just....." you said helping him carry on with what he was saying.

He took a deep breath both of your hands still entwined, he looked into your eyes, "I just don't want you to leave me y/n, you're the best thing that's happened to me in a long time and I know the pressure on you will get worse, the hate, the tabloids, I just, I don't want you to get hurt, I love you so much and I don't know what I'd do without you," he said and then let out an exasperated sigh, like he had that bottled up for quite a while and was relieved to let it out.

You were both still looking into each others eyes, you were a little stunned by what Niall had just said, he was worried that you were going to leave he crazy!  He started to look a little upset, since you still hadn't replied.

"Niall, I would never leave you, I would go through anything as long as it meant I could be with you, we'll get through this together I promise, I'm going to have days when I'm feeling down but do you know what's going to keep me going?" you asked, he shook his head a little.

"You. Knowing that you'll always be there for me, I love you Niall Horan and I'm not going anywhere," you said leaning in to kiss his lips, you could feel him smiling into the kiss.

Pulling out from the kiss you heard a few clicking sounds and saw a flash, "Did you see that?" You asked Niall. He nodded his head and whispered into your ear sending chills down your spine, "It's the two of us against the world now babe, I love you so much."


Ok this was bad I am very sorry! but I'm stuck with ideas :(

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