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This one's for Baylie, i hope you all like it :)


“Niall s-ss-stop” you said in between giggles, he kept poking your sides knowing you were ticklish. “Seriously…everyone’s looking” You giggled, he kept that signature cheeky smirk on his face and brought his lips closer to your ear “Make me.” He whispered sending tingles down your spine, before you could say anything a voice interrupted you

“Niall we all know you love Baylie but please keep your hands to yourself and prevent from any hanky panky, there are children here” Louis chuckled making sure he said it out loud so everyone in the room could hear. “Yeah Niall it’s my little cousins birthday party, keep it PG guys” Zayn chimed in.

You didn’t even want to imagine how red your face must have been but by the looks of everyone else in the room trying to hold back their laughter it must have been pretty red.

Niall just chuckled not looking like he cared, that was one of the things you loved about him, he very rarely got embarrassed.  You buried your face in his chest embarrassingly feeling the vibrations from his laughing.

*30 minutes later*

“urghhh Baylie stop it” Niall whined. You looked at him confusingly “Stop what?”

“Being so irresistible,” he smirked wiggling his eyebrows, you put a hand on your hip “Smooth Horan…..very smooth”

“I can’t even kiss you because there’s kids around” he pouted ‘stupid Louis. Stupid Zayn’ he muttered folding his arms across his chest making you laugh.

You stood up from the chair you were sitting on “Right, well I have to go help Perrie sort out the food, see ya later Niall” you winked and kissed his cheek before walking away, you heard him groan from behind you “tease” complained, leaving you with a content smile.

“Baylie can you call the boys and tell them foods ready I think they’ve all gone outside to play football?” Perrie asked. You nodded your head “Yeah.”

Sure enough all the party guests were outside playing an intense match of football. Niall was also playing, he was currently trying to tackle the ball off of a 10 year old making you laugh. The boy zoomed past him and scored a goal, making the opposite team with Zayn on cheer and run around the garden like mad men.

“HA HA NIALL LOST TO A KID” Louis tormented making Niall glare in his direction. “Alright then Tommo get in goal, if I score you’re gonna be my servant for the day….”

“And if you don’t?” Louis cut in. “Then I’ll be yours” Niall challenged.

You had to call everyone to eat but first you had to watch this, it was definitely going to be good.

“Get ready to have the hardest day of your life” Louis smirked. Niall shook his head “You shouldn’t talk to yourself Louis, it’s a sign of madness” He joked.

“C’mon guys get this over with.” Zayn said looking bored.

Louis placed himself in front of the goal and Niall placed the ball in front of him. He took a deep breath before running up and kicking the ball with a perfect aim. It went straight past Louis and hit the net

“GOOOOAALLLLLLLLL” Niall shouted, some of the little boys cheered along with him, high fiving him.

After his little celebration you spoke up

“Alright guys it’s time to eat come on”

You heard a sea of ‘finally’s’ and ‘yays’ as they ran in.

You chuckled before turning to walk in when you felt a hand grab you back and spin you around making you gasp a little before you realised it was Niall turning your face into a smile. “I’ve been waiting to do this for ages,” he whispered against your lips before closing the space in between you, his lips moved softly against yours as he tightened his grip around your waist pulling you closer. Your hands went to the back of his neck lightly running them through his hair making him smile into the kiss.

You both pulled out breathless before he winked and let go of you and walked inside, leaving you standing there bewildered and impressed. 

Niall Horan Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now