He acts like he hates you

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"That's the funniest thing I've ever heard y/n" Louis laughed almost falling off of his chair. The boys had invited you to one of their shows which was amazing, you were currently backstage talking about random things.

"It wasn't funny at all," Niall muttered.

"What was that Niall?" Louis asked. He looked up from his phone "Oh nothing," he said before looking back down.

Harry, Liam, Louis and Zayn shared a look before Liam spoke up

"Oh look I just got a text from Lou saying she wants to check that thing out with our hair," Harry said towards the boys apart from Niall.

"Ohhhh that thing....." Louis trailed off, "oh yeah that," Zayn said. "Right we should go" Liam said standing up. "We'll be right back y/n" Liam smiled before walking out.

"Wait! I'll come with you guys even though I have no idea what you're talking about," Niall said getting ready to stand up.

"No no no we can't just leave our guest all on her own, stay with y/n we'll be back soon," Louis said before walking out and shutting the door behind him.

'Frickin idiots' Niall muttered.

Niall had never liked you. Or at least it seemed that way. He was always ignoring you, saying mean comments and making little digs at you. But you just played it off, you don't understand what you had done to make him act like this towards you.

"So......" You started. Niall didn't answer just carried on looking at his phone with a bored look.

"The show was good," you complimented. Still silence.

"Niall?" You called. He still didn't say anything just huffed in annoyance.

"Niall!" You said in a more authoritive tone, "What!?" He snapped looking towards you with an annoyed expression.

That was the last straw.

"What is your problem!?" You asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he shrugged his shoulders.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about Niall. All the nasty mean comments you say to me. Hell last week you called me dumb and stupid not to mention ditzy. Do you know how insulted I was!? How upset that made me? Huh? Do you? It hurt Niall, it hurt a lot! But do you know what, I didn't say anything because I thought you were different, there was some part in me that thought you didn't mean any of those things. But now I know that you're just plain cold hearted. What did I do Niall? What did I do to make you hate me so bad?" You choked the last bit out, biting your lip trying to refrain from tears.

There it was again. Silence.

You had just poured your heart out ranting to him about how upset you felt and his face had no expression on whatsoever. He just sat there looking at the wall acting like he didn't hear a word you said. Not a care in the world.

You shook your head still trying to refrain from crying, "I don't even know why I try" you whispered before opening the door to walk out.

As you opened the door four bodies tumbled in. Harry, Liam, Louis and Zayn. They all fell onto the floor and quickly scrambled up coughing awkwardly,

"We were..."
"We just...."

You rolled your eyes before walking out of the room leaving them to do whatever they wanted.

Now that you were alone you slowly let the tears pour out as you walked towards the exit

"Y/N Y/N WAIT" A voice shouted, sounding like he was out of breath, not just any voice. Niall.

You turned around quickly wiping the tears away. You crossed your arms over your chest in a defensive manor waiting for Niall to say whatever he had to say.

He stopped jogging once he got in front of you, his face was an emotion you couldn't even describe.

"Oh god" he whispered as he looked at your face. "What have I done?" He said to himself.

He brought his hands to your face wiping away the stray tears "I'm not worth your tears y/n. Please stop crying." He said as if it was painful for him to watch you cry.

You shook your head taking his hands off of your face, "Why do you care? Just leave me alone...please" you begged turning around. But Niall wouldn't let you go that easily. He caught your hand before you were about to leave

"I do care. I care about you so much it hurts y/n." He stated emotion filled in his voice. The only word that could describe you right now was confused.

"Please...just...let me explain" he begged.

You nodded your head not saying anything.

"Y/n the way I've been acting towards you is not acceptable. At all. " he started. " I'm so stupid and such a coward. This whole time I've been meaning to do anything but hurt you. But look...that's exactly what I've done," he said.

"I'm so sorry y/n and I know I don't deserve your forgiveness. You mean so much to me that it's scary y/n. I tried pushing you away because....I guess it was because I'm scared of these feelings, I've never had them for anyone, I've never felt this way towards anyone before in my entire life. Whenever you're around, believe it or not you brighten my day. The day the boys told me that you were coming to the show tonight you can ask them, I couldn't take the smile off of my face. I just...I...I really like you y/n. I'm not good at expressing my feelings. And I'm not going to lie I didn't want to fall for you, because I was scared. That was why I acted like I didn't care about you, why I acted like such a jerk. But I was too stupid to realise that I had already fallen for you, the moment I set eyes on you I fell for you." He finished.

He looked into your eyes like he was trying to search for something

"I've messed it all up haven't I?" he shakily whispered.

It took you a while to process everything in your brain but in the end you got it, you understood the reasons of why he acted the way he did and it was a big relief. All the feelings you had for Niall when you first met him were still there, you just tried to ignore them because he was being such a jerk towards you but now, they seemed stronger than ever.

"I forgive you" you whispered. His face lit up like a tree on Christmas. "Really?" He asked disbelievingly. You nodded you head "Yes."

As soon as the words left your mouth Niall picked you up and span you around making you giggle. He placed you back down and gave a you a soft lingering kiss on the cheek making you blush.

"What I did was still stupid and unacceptable and I promise you I'll do everything I can to make it up to you." He said with a determined look on his face. "Just give me a chance." He pleaded.

"Y/n will you go out on a date with me?" He asked.

"I would love to."

Niall Horan Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now