The boys set you two up

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Liam's pov

"Right Louis did you text y/n the time and place?" I asked him to double check. "Yes sir!" He saluted me, making me roll my eyes, we just needed everything to be absolutely perfect.

We met y/n a few months ago and in that time she's gotten really close to us, Niall especially. It seems like everyone can see that they belong together apart from the two of them. Deep down it's obvious they like each other, they just need that extra push for them to admit their feelings, so that's why me and the boys have come up with an excellent plan.

"Harry did you remind Niall to be there?" I asked. Harry nodded "Yeah, he can't wait, he thinks we're all going golfing and then get a bite to eat."

"Perfect" I smiled.

Your pov

The boys had invited you to play a bit of golf with them, you were excited, it was always fun to hang out with them.

You sat on the bench outside of the place waiting for the others to arrive, you were the first one there.

"Y/n?" You heard a familiar accent making you smile, you stood up to greet him by giving him a hug. "Niall hey."

He smiled "Are the others not here yet?" He asked. You shook your head as you both sat down on the bench "Nope."

"That's weird, they kept calling me every 10 minutes making sure I was on time. And that I was dressed 'appropriately' and if I had brushed my teeth," he said furrowing his eyebrows

You laughed a little "Brushed your teeth?"

Niall shrugged his shoulders "They get weirder and weirder everyday, you should know that by now" he chuckled winking, making you feel a bit of heat creep upon your cheeks. There was something about his cheeky smile that made your heart melt, you shook it off remembering that this was Niall. Your friend.

Ping! You took your phone out of your bag it signalled you had a message, similarly Niall took his out having also got a text.

From Louis
Hey y/nnnnn have fun golfing! Don't do anything I wouldn't do, stay safe and use protection ;)

"What?" You said under your breath but Niall must have heard you as he looked at you, his expression matching yours

"You too....." You asked trailing off
He nodded

You showed him the text and he showed his to you. His was from Liam and yours from Louis. Those two idiots.

"What does that even mean?" You asked dumbfounded. Niall shrugged his shoulders "I have no clue...... Well I guess they're not coming, you still wanna do this right?" He asked unsure. You nodded your head "Of course, it's on Horan," you challenged, he narrowed his eyes at you playfully "Bring it."

*half an hour later*

Okay so maybe all of that trash talk wasn't a good idea. Niall was kicking your butt at golf.

He was currently laughing so hard he had to bend over and clutch his stomach. "You do have to actually....try and hit the golf ball...right" he said in between laughs.

"Shut up" you muttered pouting.

After he had composed himself he came up to you and patted your head making you frown even more

"Aw y/n I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh, it's just....all that trash talk...I thought you were actually going to beat me..but then..." You could tell he was trying to hold back his laugh again but your glare got him to stop.

He held his hands up "Okay okay. Here I'll show you how to do it, trust me you'll be a pro soon."

He walked behind you, "So you hold the club like this" he showed you, he wrapped his hands around yours. You couldn't concentrate with his body in such close proximity to yours. "Ready?" he whispered in your ear sending shivers down your spine, you just nodded your head afraid your voice would come out as a squeak if you spoke. He helped you swing and you watched the little golf ball go straight into the hole making you jump and hug Niall.

"Yes! Hole in one!" You said excitedly. Niall laughed at how enthusiastic you were. "See, you just needed a bit of guidance from this pro" he smirked showing off his muscles, making you roll your eyes playfully even though you were secretly enjoying the view.

You both went back to the golf cart and for the rest of the time Niall helped you and showed you a few different techniques which you eventually got the hang of. It was fun hanging out with just Niall, he was really funny and his bubbly personality was contagious.

You both walked out of the golf club laughing at some lame joke Niall tried to tell you. You stopped outside of Niall's car, he was going to drive you two to get some food from somewhere, which was lucky for you since you got the bus here.

"You did good today y/n" he complimented. "That's because I had a good teacher." You smiled and saw a hint of a blush appear on Niall's cheeks.

"What are you staring at?" You asked laughing a little. Niall was looking at you in a way you couldn't quite describe.

"You're so beautiful" he whispered making you blush as he brushed a strand of hair away from your face. You looked down at the ground being the awkward person you are "stop" you mumbled. He placed his finger under your chin making you look up at him into his eyes, those beautiful blue eyes...

"I'm serious," he said before leaning down to kiss you softly on the lips. It wasn't a long kiss but a short and sweet one, it took you a second to react but you kissed him back, you felt like you had a thousand butterflies in your stomach. Way better than the whole fireworks thing.

He rested his forehead against yours both of you smiling at each other when you heard a very familiar voice


Snapping you both out of your daze making you jump a little. Niall wrapped an arm around your waist as you both turned towards the voice

"LOUIS" you both said at the same time. "It is me ladies and gentlemen" Louis joked pretending to bow to a crowd. Behind him was Liam standing guiltily.

They both walked up to you

"So this is what you guys were planning huh? To set us up?" Niall asked a small smirk playing on his face, you were still blushing as you felt Niall's arms still around your waist.

"Yup! And it worked didn't it!? You finally kissed! Oh my god you're going to have babies! I'm going to be an uncle!!! Holy sh...." Liam lightly slapped him over the head

"Chill out Louis" he said laughing.

"Oh god this is embarrassing" you muttered burying your face in Niall's chest. You felt his chest vibrating from him laughing, making you glare at him. "It's not funny," you pouted.

"Aww I'm sorry y/n" he said kissing your forehead making you smile. Never would you have thought you and Niall would get together.

Louis cleared his throat "Okay lovebirds! Now that we cupid's have done our work. I'm starving lets go eat."

The rest of the night was amazing, better than you ever could have planned. You definitely had to thank Louis and Liam for setting you two up, even if it was awkward that they witnessed you two kiss for the first time.

Niall was being really sweet. You two talked at the end of the night and he promised he would take you out on a proper date extremely soon, and he said he'd make sure Louis or any of the other boys would be a safe distance away making you laugh. He bid you good bye with a sweet kiss, the first of many.

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