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"FOOOOD FINALLY" Niall shouted running towards the door. You were all gathered at Liam's house, all being Niall, Louis and Zayn.

You all laughed at Niall's eagerness. Niall entered the room again with Harry close behind him.

"Hey Harry" everyone greeted. "Hi guys...."

"Whoa slow down Niall, Zayn. The food 's going nowhere," Liam cut off. Niall and Zayn were already tucking into the food,

"Well Liam, it is going somewhere, it's going in my belly," Niall sassed rubbing his stomach.

"Nice one Niall," Zayn high-fived.

"Come on guys let's eat," you spoke laughing a little.

*15 minutes later *

"No no no no my selfie game is much better than yours!" Louis exclaimed.

"Hell no. Have you seen my pout?!" Zayn countered.

"How did we even start this again?" You asked.

"Twitter" they all announced. 'Of course' you muttered.

You reached towards the bag to get the final piece of chicken when your hand collided with another. Niall's.

"Oh sorry," you said. "No no it's fine," he smiled.

You both looked into the bag, realising there was only one chicken left. Both Niall and you looked at each other then at the bag again before looking back at each other.

"Mine" you both said at the same time.

All of the boys were watching you two now.

"I'll fight you for it," Niall offered. You scoffed "Really Niall....really? You're gonna fight a girl?"

Niall thought about it for a second before looking at the chicken then you "Yes."

You gave him 'the look'

He huffed "okay fine probably not."

"Good. So I can have it then," you smiled taking the bag. Niall snatched it off of you "whoa whoa I didn't say that," he defended.

"Awww come on Niall. Pleeeeeeeease," you pleaded.

Niall shook his head "Those puppy dog eyes don't work with me princess,"

"Princess?" You asked.

Niall hesitated before answering "Y-yeah princess. I like calling you that. Is that a problem?"

"No...." You said unsurely before being cut off by the bag being snatched out of your hands, the chicken was taken out and the person took a bite from it

"LOUIS" You and Niall exclaimed at the same time.

Louis shrugged his shoulders "What?" He asked with a stuffed mouth.

"You know what" you said glaring at him.

"There was only one way to solve your problem and that was for none of you to have it. So whilst you were having your little lovers tiff it was the perfect opportunity," he explained.

"Yeah guys seriously...I was this close to having to close my eyes. I thought you were going to kiss....or worse...." Harry shuddered, making everyone but you and Niall laugh.

"That's a bit extreme don't you think Harry?" Niall asked.

"No he's right isn't he ....princess" Zayn cooed making them burst into laughter again. You looked towards Niall whose face had gone red, no doubt so had yours.

"Seriously guys it's just a nickname right Niall?" you replied.

Silence filled the room, you looked towards Niall who was still blushing and looking down at the floor.

"Niall?" You called.

"Er....ye....yeah..right..." He stuttered rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

Louis rolled his eyes groaning "Seriously you two? You make me want to slap you both over the head with a piece of lettuce! Niall man...just tell her...."

"Tell me what?" You asked turning to Niall.

He took a deep breath, "I like you y/n. Like really really like you. I have done...for a while now. I just didn't know how to tell you, we have such an amazing friendship and I didn't want to ruin that," Niall admitted.

It took you a few seconds to process everything before a blushing smile came across your face "I like you too Niall,"

Niall looked shocked "W-you...seriously?" He asked.

You nodded your head laughing "Yeah...I really do." You smiled.

Before anyone could say anything Niall brought you into a great big hug.

The boys wolf whistled and made silly comments, all the while you were in Niall's arms burying your face into his chest not daring to look up because of the blush on your face.

"Is everyone staring?" You whispered so only Niall could hear. You could feel the vibration of Niall's chest as he chuckled and whispered back "Yeah...yeah they are princess."

Niall Horan Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now