He asks you to be his date to his friend's wedding

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You walked into the old coffee shop around the corner, looking around to find Niall; he invited you for a day out and said to meet at the coffee shop. You looked to the corner to see him sitting by the window; he had one hand under his chin and the other resting on the table whilst he was looking out of the window seeming to be in deep thought.

“Hey Niall,” you greeted walking up to the table; he snapped out of his trance with a genuine smile on his face and stood up to hug you. “Hi Olivia.”

“I got you your favourite,” he grinned sitting back down pointing towards the drinks. “Thanks, you didn’t have to, I could have bought it.” He shook his head “No don’t be silly, I wanted to,” he assured.

*30 minutes later*

“You ready to go for a walk, we can go by the river, it’s got some amazing sights,” Niall asked. “Sure, let’s go.”

You both got up and started to walk along the river, your hands brushing past each other every now and then.

“So” you started, “How come my bestie hasn’t been in contact for over a week, that’s a long time for us,” you joked nudging him. A smirk appeared on Niall’s face “Why did you miss me?” he asked raising an eyebrow. You decided to play along “Oh yes I totally missed you Niall. Seriously I don’t know how I survived this entire week alone, without my precious Niall,” you dramatized placing a hand on your chest dramatically. Niall chuckled but carried on, he placed his arm around your shoulder bringing you in a little closer to him “Awww I missed you too,” he cooed making both of you laugh. “In all seriousness, you are a terrible actress,” he said with his arms still securely around your shoulder. You faked hurt by pouting “Aww don’t pout princess,” he chuckled poking your cheek. Niall and you always had a fun joking kind of friendship, that’s what made it all the more special.

“Princess?” you asked. Niall went a little red, stuttering a little “Y-yeah…yeah you’re my princess, that’s my nickname for you,” he smiled confidently. “Do you like it?” he added. You nodded your head “Yeah.”

“Good. So anyway, I had to do quite a few recordings for the new album and stuff,” he explained, you nodded your head in understanding. “Did it go well?” you asked. “Yeah everything’s on track,” he replied.

“We have a couple of weeks off now though, so I’m looking forward to that.” He added. “Oh? Doing anything interesting?” You asked.

“Well…actually it’s Sean’s wedding in a couple of weeks, you know Sean right?” he asked hesitantly. “Yeah, one of your best friends from back home, I think you’ve told me about him a few times,” you answered. Niall nodded his head “Right, I can’t believe he’s actually getting married,” he said in disbelief, “I actually..er..wanted to ask you something…it’s completely okay if you say no by the way, I won’t take it to heart or anything, I just don’t want to be on my own and you’re the person I thought of as soon as Sean told me, but like I said yo…….”

“Niall! Just tell me,” you chuckled cutting him off from his rambling. “Right...yeah sorry,” he apologised. He took a deep breath, “Will you please be my date to the wedding?” He asked, he looked really nervous, his eyes never leaving yours as he was trying to see your reaction. You smiled, surprised that he asked you of all people, “I’d love to,” you replied.

“Ahh I knew you wouldn’t sorry I shouldn’t hav…..wait what?!” He asked frantically, everything seeming to suddenly click in his brain making you laugh, “I said I’d love to be your date to the wedding,”

Then Niall’s eyes widened before a huge grin came across his face, he wrapped you up in his arms lifting you off of the floor and twirling you around saying “Thank you thank you thank you,” he then put you down, “You’re crazy,” you chuckled, “Only for you.” He winked before tickling your sides making you laugh harder.

“Come on, let’s carry on with the rest of the day shall we?” he asked holding out for your hand. You gladly took it “We shall.” You smiled.

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