Does He or Does He Not?

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 C’mon Niall, you have to ask her out on another date, it’s not fair on the poor girl, she really likes you!” Harry said.


Niall’s pov

The boys convinced me to go on  a date with Y/N even though I really don’t want to, she’s not my type, but I feel like I have to since she apparently ‘loves’ me or whatever.

Your pov

Niall took you out bowling; you had now been dating for about a week and a half. He was such a gentleman.


“No I let you win that game” Niall laughed. You were both arguing over who really won that bowling match and neither of you were giving in. A gust of wind came past and you shivered, “Oh…are you cold? Here take my jacket.” He wrapped it around you as you both carried on walking. A perfect end to a perfect night you thought.

Back to the present

Niall’s pov

It’s been about 3 weeks me and y/n have been together. Every time I try to end things, something always happens. I don’t like her, I mean she’s alright but, she’s just so full on and I don’t know…I just don’t want to be with her. The boys think we’re perfect for each other, but I don’t see it at all. She’s ALWAYS here! It’s like she never leaves. Like I woke up this morning and got downstairs, she was there making me breakfast, I mean I did tell her where my spare keys were but that was just for emergencies, don’t get me wrong I love a good breakfast, but for some reason everything she does annoys me.


“Hey babe” y/n came up to me and kissed me. “Hey” I said faking my best smile. “I thought I’d  surprise you, thank you so much for another amazing date last night.” She carried on “I walked in and saw the mess in your living room and I just had to clear a few things up, if that was okay?” she asked hopefully. “Y-yeah that’s fine babe” I answered with gritted teeth. “Oh good I was worried it was weird, oh and ironed your shirt for your dinner with that important manager guy you were talking about.” She smiled.


She furrowed her eyebrows, “You okay Ni?”

“Yea…I mean no, I just got a bit of a headache, not feeling too good, I think I need to go back to sleep, thanks for doing all this and coming round, but I don’t want you to get sick too,” I lied

“I’ll come back when you feel a little better, I don’t want to leave you when you’re sick but…I understand.” She replied. I kissed her forehead and led her to the door. Thank god.


Back to the present..

It was about 7pm and I was in a club. “You come here often?” a girl in a very tight dress and make up caked all over her face asked in a flirty tone, but for some reason I was kinda turned on, I don’t usually but I flirted back.

After a while of small talk I said “Wanna go back to mine?” she agreed.

In the back of my mind I knew this was wrong…. I have a girlfriend.. Well a girlfriend who I don’t even care about to be honest.

Your pov

You felt really bad leaving Niall on his own like that, he was sick, he was probably feeling really bad right now, so you made some soup and now you were outside Niall’s door. You love Niall and you know he would never do anything to hurt you, he’s such a caring and considerate guy, how could you have gotten so lucky you thought to yourself.

Once you were in the flat, you heard a few muffled sounds coming from Niall’s room, you being the worrier you were, quickly opened up the door to Niall’s room, he could have gotten hurt for all you knew. Oh how wrong you were…..

“Niall……” you whispered tears uncontrollably starting to fall down your face. He was making out with some slut on his bed and…and….you just broke down right there, you dropped the soup on the floor and got out of the flat as soon as possible.

Niall’s pov

“Shit!” what have I done, oh god. No no no no no no.

“What who was that?” the girl who’s name I don’t even know asked.

“My girlfriend, please this was a mistake, just get out” I quickly said, getting up.

“Aw babe no, you’re no fun…she knows about us now so why don’t we just carry on where we left off, I can  make you feel so much better than her, you clearly didn’t like her” she said. This made me mad “GET OUT RIGHT NOW!” she quickly scurried out of my flat, I felt bad for shouting, it wasn’t her fault but I need to sort this mess out. Now.

The look on y/n’s face when she saw us….oh god she was heartbroken. Her beautiful face, I’ve ruined her, when I saw y/n face it felt like everything finally made sense, like I was complete, the answer had been staring me in the face the whole time. I love y/n but I treated her like shit.

y/n was the one who has been my rock for the past few weeks. She’s the one who makes me food when I’m hungry. She’s the one who’ll sit through a whole football match just for me even when she doesn’t like it. She’s the one who didn’t care if we didn’t go on big fancy dates. She’s the one who always has a beautiful smile on her face. She’s the one.

I tried to ring her phone but it went to answerphone each time. I put on my trainers, grabbed my jacket and ran outside, I ran as fast as I could, not caring if people were looking at me weirdly, I need y/n.

I reached y/n’s house and knocked on the door furiously.

She opened the door slowly, her eyes were puffy and red, she still had tear stains down her cheeks, as soon as she opened the door I engulfed her in a hug.

“I’m so so so sorry, so sorry, she meant nothing to me, not like you, y/n I really do love you, I know I didn’t show it and you have no idea how bad I feel right now. I was in a stupid state of mind, I shouldn’t have kissed that girl…I was just confused and I know that no excuse is going to condone what I did, but I hope that in time….you’ll forgive me” I finished saying looking in her eyes.

“I was blinded….blinded by how much I love you, that I didn’t realise h-how much y-y-you disliked me.” She started, I was about to protest when she put her finger up signalling for me to stop and she carried on

“But, for the first time, right now…I see love in your eyes, I know that sounds crazy and I am crazy, but I believe you, I believe you’re sorry…..but I don’t, I don’t really know what to do right now….” She hesitated.

“Will this help?” I asked whispering whilst leaning in closer to her to kiss her lips. This was the most passionate kiss I’ve had with anyone and it actually meant something, I loved her. I love y/n.

Niall Horan Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now