He Cheated Part 3 (His POV)

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This is what it was like in Niall's pov, enjoy :)



“Niall are you going to come out or what!!!” Louis shouted from the other side of the door. I’d been locked in one of the tour bus toilets for hours now. I don’t want to talk to anyone, what have I done. Am I seriously that stupid?

Her face when she saw the pictures of me kissing that girl, it broke me, I can’t imagine what it did to her. I’ve tried ringing her but she’s not answering. I’ve messed up real bad, big time!

“Niall we have an interview get out!” Paul shouted from the other side of the door. I rolled my eyes and got up, as I walked out Liam, Louis and Zayn gave me sympathetic looks whilst Harry glared at me, the pictures have gotten around everywhere now, so I’m not the most liked person around at the moment, I don’t even like myself.

We were sat in the interview, the man asked the same old questions, nothing new. “So Niall, some pictures have surfaced, of you and a girl kissing, right?” he asked with a smug look on his face, I wanted so badly to wipe that smirk away. I took a deep breath and answered with “Yes”

“Is that it? You were pictured with another girl, who is not your current girlfriend and all you have to say about that is ‘yes’ seriously?” he asked an even bigger smirk appearing on his face. I clenched my fists, I could feel my face going red from anger, I couldn’t take it anymore, I just exploded right there, “YES I DID. IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS OR ANYONE ELSE’S OUT THERE WHAT I DO! PUT THAT IN YOUR STUPID INTERVIEW, I’M DONE!” I shouted walking out of the room.

“Niall what was that!!!???” Liam shouted as he walked back into the tour bus. I shrugged my shoulders not caring. “It’s none of his business, I don’t appreciate being someone’s claim to fame thank you very much!” I said sarcastically. Liam let out a heavy sigh, “Listen Niall, I know you’re going through a really hard time right now….but you can’t let it out on other people for your mistakes” he said. I wanted to protest but a part of me knew he was right, it wasn’t that interviewers fault…it was mine. All mine. I nodded my head slowly, “Right… I think we should go get ready for the concert tonight,” Louis said.

We were all at the arena, I didn’t want to be here, I love performing and seeing all the fans but right now all I want is to talk to y/n and let her know how sorry I am and see if I can have her in my arms once again. I’m such a screw up.

I walked out of the dressing room toilets when I saw Harry on the phone, “y/n? You still there?” he said. My eyes widened y/n he was talking to y/n. I need to explain I quickly walked over to Harry, “Is that y/n?” Harry bit his lips whilst staying silent, “Harry I’m being serious, tell me now! Is that y/n, gimmie the phone” I said whilst snatching it out of his grasp.

“Y/n Princess…..I-i-I’m begging you please talk to me. I’m such an idiot, no worse than that. I can’t forgive myself; I don’t deserve you I know that, I hate myself so much. What is wrong with me?” I sniffled, my eyes starting to water.  I know she was listening intently and I appreciate that’s she’s even giving me time to tell her all this.

“I know that I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but please give me a chance, I can’t believe I hurt you, I promised I wouldn’t and I have……” I had to stop myself from carrying on because I knew that I would break down in tears right there, I miss her, I miss her sweet voice and her cute laugh.

That’s when I heard shuffling coming from the line and then she started to try and say something, her voice was a little shaky, “I…i..”

“RIGHT BOYS TIME TO GET ON STAGE!” the stage director shouted making me jump a little and got me angry. Y/n was just about to talk to me, she was going to say something….maybe give me a chance I don’t know but now I’ll never find out what she was going to say.

“No I’m not going anywhere, I need to talk to…” I started to say

“You can talk to whoever that is later Niall, no ifs no buts. Nothing. Ok? Now go out there, your fans are waiting!” he shouted

“You can’t tell me what to do!” I shouted back. Harry put his hand on my shoulder, this is the first time he’s made any kind of contact with me since he found out what I did to y/n. “Niall…..” he started.

“NO” I shouted. “I’m sick of everything, I just want to be home with my princess, I’ve messed up big time, I don’t even know if she wants to know me right now, and she is the most important thing right now and I’m not giving up!” I let out.

I was still holding the phone in my tight grip, but my heart sank a little, y/n has probably gone by now, she doesn’t want to know me, maybe she was going to say she never ever wants to see me ever again. She’s gone.

I chucked the phone at the wall “Do you know what I don’t care who you call because I am not going on stage. I am going to get y/n back!” and with that I stormed out of the arena, “Niall! Wait up!!” Harry shouted chasing after me. “Let me come with you at least, just so I know you’re safe! And I want to help you get y/n back” he asked hopefully. I nodded as we both made out way to the airport.

We had to wait ages for an available flight, but I finally got one, I closed my eyes whilst sitting on the plane, dreaming of y/n being back in my arms where she was safe and that made me feel safe. I’m getting her back, I have to, I love her, I can’t just let her slip away.

The plane finally landed after a few hours.

We go to y/n’s house, it all looked exactly the same, “Let’s get to work” Harry said. We had flowers in our hands and started to spell out ‘I’m Sorry’ on the grass in her garden. After we were finished Harry texted y/n to look outside her window, then he went somewhere, going to phone the other boys and fill them in on what’s happening probably.

I walked up to y/n’s door, I was shaking, my heart rate sped up, what if she hates me forever? I couldn’t cope. Just then the door swung open and I saw the face that I missed for weeks, she was shocked that’s for sure. I took a deep breath and began…it’s now or never

“Y/N i promise you that I never meant to hurt you. I didn’t know what I was doing, what I did was a stupid mistake and I know this is just a drop in the ocean to how sorry I am and that I need to do much more to prove I’m sorry. But this is a start, I’m here for you, I promise I’ll always be here for you, even when you don’t want me to, I’ll be the one to pick you back up if you’re ever down, I’ll be the one to love you, like no other. I’ll be the one.” I literally just poured my heart out. I gently reached for her hands, what if she didn’t want me to be anywhere near her? She squeezed it gently signalling to me that it was okay. This made me feel more confident.

“Y/N I love you and I don’t know what I’d do without you.” I whispered. I stood there waiting for her to say something, taking in her beautiful features. I could tell she was thinking really hard, that’s when she said the four words that made me the happiest man alive, ““I love you too” she let out a small smile as we both leant in to kiss each other. I love her so much and I will never hurt her ever again.

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