Different (High School Series)

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Your mum dropped you off extremely early this morning to school, she had a meeting so you had to come an hour early. You weren't mad about coming early because you understood your mum had a job to do.

Once you got to school you decided to sit on the grass, put your headphones on and listen to music for a while. A few songs later you felt a presence behind you, which made you turn your head, once you saw who it was your eyes widened, it was none other than Niall Horan, he was one of the schools most popular people, the one who everyone loved, girls wanted to be with him and boys wanted to be him. You've never actually spoken to him, he never really made an effort to speak with you anyway, you were the quiet one who sits in class trying not to get caught up in people's troubles.

He scratched the back of his neck "erm...hi" he said. "Hi?" you replied as more of a question than a greeting. "Can I....can i erm sit here?" He asked pointing towards the spot of grass next to you. You were confused as to why he wanted to, this was the first time he'd ever spoken to you "er sure" you nodded.

He took his bag away from his shoulder and placed it on the ground before he sat down on the spot next to you. "Y/n right?" He asked. You nodded your head, "I'm Niall" again you nodded your head, this was kind of awkward.

"Soooo....... How are you?" He asked trying to make conversation, "I'm good, a little tired but okay, how about you?" You replied. "Same, i woke up too early this morning" he replied. "Is that why you're here early?" You asked. Niall nodded, "sort of, i just have a lot going on and had to get out of the house" he admitted, you nodded your head understanding that he didn't really want to talk about that.

After a few more awkward minutes Niall decided to break the silence "i don't see you around school much, i mean i see you in my classes but other than that i don't...."

You shrugged your shoulders "i see you quite a lot actually"
"Oh really?" Niall began to smirk, before you carried on "yeah only because you have a massive crowd following you everywhere you go, it's not that hard to miss." You explained. "Oh" Niall replied. "There aren't that many people that crowd around me?" Niall was asking more to himself, you shook your head a little and decided to ask him another question "Why are you even talking to me?"

Niall furrowed his eyebrows "what do you mean?"
"We've been at school together for years and you never talk to me" you said. After a few seconds Niall shrugged his shoulders "i dunno i just wanted someone new to talk to. Why haven't you spoken to me, it's a two way thing?" He questioned.

"Well that might have something to do with me being really intimidated by all of those people who are constantly around you, also you probably wouldn't even care if i came to talk to you, you'd just brush me off, not to mention the fact that you or anyone else in your 'group' would want to talk to a nobody like me." You finished, you don't even know why you said all that, he was probably going to laugh in your face and say all of it was true. But in fact Niall's face was of pure seriousness

"That's not true! Im not a bad guy....everyone's wrong about me..." He trailed off. This was your turn to look a little confused. "What do you mean?"

He let out a sigh "everyone thinks i'm this 'great cool person' but i'm not, i'm just like any other teenager trying to get through their high school life. Yeah i might be 'popular' or whatever but that means nothing to me. I don't look down on people. I just never spoke to you because i didn't really know how to. You were always the shy girl at the back of the class with your few friends. I didn't think you'd want to associate yourself with me." He let out. This had you in shock, the most popular boy in school basically just admitted wanting to talk to you but not having the guts to.

You didn't really know what to say, all that came out was "oh"

Niall chuckled a little "yeah"

"I want that you know" he spoke

"What?" You asked

"To have just my true friends around me, you know, like you do?"

You nodded your head, he then carried on "most people just hang around with me because i'm 'popular' they don't care about me though. I only have like one friend that really does care" this made you frown, you actually felt sorry for him.

"Well....i'll be your friend" you smiled. Niall's face brightened up a little. "You will? For real?" He asked excitedly.

You laughed a little "of course! I feel like we're back to being little kids, with this whole 'i'll be friends with you thing' " you replied, with Niall laughing along with you. "Yeah me too. But it's nice. I'm glad i came to talk to you y/n you've really cheered me up, i'm happy we're friends" he smiled.

"Same. If you ever need anyone to talk to, i'm here" you assured him smiling. Niall's smiled widened "thank you and same to you"

"You're different than what i expected you to be" you told him.

"Good different?" He questioned.

"Definitely." You smiled.

I just wanted to thank everyone who's read any of these!! I have over 50,000 reads THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR PUTTING UP WITH ME! I love youuuuu xxxxxxxx

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