He annoys you with his song lyrics

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"Hey y/n guess what?"

"What?" You asked your boyfriend Niall. Niall was driving you both to his mum's house for dinner.

"Does it drive you crazy?"

You furrowed your eyebrows, "huh?"

"Just how fast the night changes,"

"Niall what are yo-"

"C'mon c'mon y/n,"

"Come on what?"

"Dance with me baby," he responded with a smirk.

"Niall you're driving."

"Well...I can hit the pedal heavy metal if you want?" He smirked

"The hell? Wait are you singi-" you tried to speak again before he cut you off.

"When you speak to me I don't resemble who I was," a small chuckle leaving his lips after, seeing you confused and frustrated.

"Seriously Niall shut u-"

"But do you know what y/n, I think I'm going to lose my mind,"

"I'm gonna lose my bloody mind any second," you said under your breath, but Niall heard.

"Because, I find your lips so kissable, and your kiss unmissable,"

Stupid song lyrics.

"That little black dress you wore last night," he spoke.

"I didn't wear a little black dress las-"

"When you walked into the roo-"

"NIALL" you shouted.

Did he listen to you?

"I thought wow she looks beautiful, and we have all night, and we're going nowhere so why don't w-"

"If you finish that sentence Niall-"

"Awww come on princess, don't i make you feel Alive?" He winked.

*15 minutes later*

You decided to give Niall the silent treatment for the rest of the car ride. It was the only way to get him to shut up.

Well if you count him repeating

"Y/n...y/n....y/n.....I love you....y/n..baby girl.....princess...sweetheart......"

For 15 minutes as silent.

"Y/n we're here" Niall announced parking in the driveway. You took your seatbelt off, whilst you were doing that you heard the doors lock. You looked up to see Niall with a boyish smile on his face, when you turned away to try and open the door it was locked.

"Dammit" you muttered.

You weren't mad at Niall. Far from it really, you just liked to pretend you were.

"Y/n" Niall whispered taking your hand in his. "Look at me," he spoke. You turned your head to see him with his lips turned in a frown. He was pouting, he wasn't really upset you could tell from the way his lips were twitching up at the sides, it was just his way of getting you to talk to him. He knew you couldn't resist.

"Your mum's waiting Niall,"

His eyes widened, "She speaks!!"

You rolled your eyes playfully. He leaned in to kiss your forehead. "Are you mad at me?"

You shook your head, "No."

A grin appeared on his face, "I knew you couldn't stay mad at this," he gestured towards his body. "did you like the lyrics?" He asked.

"They were amazing," you said sarcastically making Niall chuckle.

"Awesome, now come on, let's...get out get out get out of....this car.." He trailed off realising it didn't sound that good.

You couldn't help but laugh at that one. "That was the best one you've done." You complimented making him grin.

He unlocked the door, and hand in hand you both walked to the door.

Before you knocked, Niall pulled you to him, enticing your lips with his in a sweet kiss. "Love you."

"love you too." You smiled.

"Ahhh there you two are," A new voice sounded from the doorway.

"Hi Maura," "Hey Ma"

"I was beginning to think you weren't coming. What was the hold up?" She asked.

Niall and you shared a look before speaking simultaneously, "Lyrics."

Maura looked at you both with confusion, before shaking her head, "You're perfect for each other, come in," she gestured.

Niall kissed your temple as you both walked in closing the door behind you.


Not too sure about this one. But I hope you like it anyway! :)

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