He's annoyed with one of the boys

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Niall sighed looking at his phone, his jaw was clenched....he did not look happy. "Liam again?" You asked knowingly. He nodded his head, he let out a frustrated groan. Liam and Niall had a 'disagreement' and hadn't talked for a few days now, which was a long time for them. "He just thinks he's a bloody know it all," he said through gritted teeth "and he's stirring things by talking rubbish to the other lads," he added.

"Why don't you two just talk it out?" You suggested. Niall gave you 'the look' yes that look. The 'are you being serious' look.

"It was just a suggestion." You muttered.

Niall sighed a small amount of guilt coming across his face "I know, I know babe I'm sorry," he said wrapping you in his arms comfortingly and kissed you on the forehead. "It's okay," you replied cuddling into him even more.

"What are you going to do about tonight? We're all still going to Zayn's right?" You asked. "Yeah," Niall replied. "I'll probably just ignore him," he carried on, you could feel him tensing again underneath you, so decided to drop the subject and started to run soothing circles on his arms, while you both cuddled on the couch, legs intertwined. Soon enough you found your eyes getting heavy, not willing to fight the tiredness, you closed your eyes letting sleep overcome you.

*2 hours later*

You slowly opened your eyes squinting a little to adjust to the light. You looked to the clock on the wall to find it saying 5pm. You and Niall must have dozed off, you had to be at Zayn's by 6:30.

You turned your head a little to look at your sleeping boyfriend, he looked so innocent and adorable when he was asleep. His arms were still around you, holding you close to him, his slow breaths hitting your neck. You reluctantly tried to get him up, if it was up to you, you'd probably stay in this position for a lot longer.

"Niall" you spoke slowly trying to get out of his arms, he stirred a little tightening his grip on you making you chuckle. "Come on Niall....you need to get up," you spoke.

He didn't speak, his eyes were still closed. There was only one thing for it.

"Niall" you whispered before starting to trail kisses down his neck, you felt him shudder a little, a smirk appeared on your lips knowing it was working. You began placing soft kisses around his face, from his jaw to his cheeks, anywhere but his lips.

"Tease" he groaned. You stopped kissing him looking at him to see his eyes now open. "You were awake the whole time weren't you?" You questioned. This time a smirk played on his lips "maybe......" Making you roll your eyes playfully. "Come here," he whispered before bringing you into a kiss.

A few minutes later you broke the kiss "Niall we have to get ready." Niall rolled his eyes but agreed.

* Zayn's house*

"Come on in guys," Zayn greeted. "Everyone's here." He carried on.

Niall took your hand walking into the main room where the rest of the boys and a few other guests were. Niall's eyes immediately spotted Liam and his face hardened a little, you squeezed his hand in reassurance "Niall" you warned. He looked at you his face softening "sorry" he muttered before giving you a quick kiss on the lips.

"I'm going to go talk to Sophia" you told him, he nodded "ok, I need to talk to Harry," he said before you both parted. You walked over to Liam's girlfriend.

"Hey," you said. "Hi y/n how are you!?" She asked. "I'm good thanks you?"

"Me too. Can't say the same for Liam though...." She trailed off. "Tell me about it," you agreed. "Niall's the same, I wish they could both just let it go, I bet they can't even remember what the argument was about." You carried on. Sophia agreed before Niall came back towards you guys, he greeted Sophia and the three of you talked for a while before Liam joined.

"Hey babe" he said to Sophia, putting an arm around her waist, "hey y/n" he greeted smiling. "Hi Liam." You said.

After that no one spoke, there was a lot of tension around right now.

"Horan" Liam nodded towards Niall. "Payne," Niall said back. Both were giving each other glares, whilst you and Sophia gave each other a look before rolling your eyes at the two immature 'men' by your sides.

"So......." You trailed off awkwardly.

No one decided to help you carry on the conversation. Niall and Liam looked like they were communicating through their minds, each boy glaring.

"Oh for the love of pickles will you guys just kiss and make up!" You ordered. Both boys looked at you weirdly and then the thing you didn't expect would happen....happened. They burst into a fit of laughter. Actually not even laughter, you don't really know what it was, they were bent over trying to compose themselves from laughing anymore.

"You don't....you don't...even...like...pickles" Niall said through laughter. You furrowed your eyebrows confused "Seriously guys.....that's what you found so funny?" You asked. Niall and Liam shared a look before bursting out into laughter again "Yeah" they both said in unison.

"I think they've finally lost the plot," Sophia mumbled to you. You nodded your head agreeing "Definitely."

After a few minutes of continuous laughter they both calmed down.

"Listen...Niall...I'm sorry for the way I acted it was stupid and childish...." Liam started. Niall shook his head "I'm sorry too, we were both acting a little over the top I guess." Liam nodded agreeing.

"Brothers?" Liam asked holding his hand out. "Brothers" Niall confirmed before bringing Liam in for a man hug. You couldn't help the 'aww' that escaped your lips. "Brothers always fight. It's what keeps it interesting," Liam joked. "That's right." Niall agreed smiling proudly.

"Who would have thought pickles could have solved all of this" you said. Niall and Liam shared a look again before bursting out into laughter all over again "Pickles" they both said laughing. You rolled your eyes, not again.

Niall Horan Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now