Family time (you have kids)

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“I’m home!” Niall announced walking through the door. Immediately your twin boys Seán and Sam dropped their toys and ran to their dad who lifted them both up in his strong arms, holding each boy on each arm.

“My boys, I missed you” he said kissing each one on the top of their heads, they both wrapped their arms around his neck nuzzling their faces. They always missed their dad the most because he was away a lot.

You walked up to join the scene “Oh look it’s mummy,” Niall said looking at you. “Does mummy want to join this hug?” He asked in a baby voice making you laugh “Mummy would love that,” you said walking over to them getting tangled in their group hug. It was times like this that you and Niall cherished.

After that you all walked into the living room and sat down onto the couch as the twins sat on the floor, carrying on playing with their toys.

“Cuddle with me y/n,” Niall pouted stretching his arms out making you smile wider and immediately curled up in his arms and he ran his fingers through your hair softly kissing the back of your head every now and then. “I missed you princess” he whispered in your ear as you both watched Seán and Sam playing away. You leaned back closer to him “I missed you too.” He started leaving soft kisses down your neck making you relax even more, eventually you turned your head to kiss him, feeling his lips on yours was amazing, each time felt like the first.

“EW MUMMY AND DADDY ARE KISSING!” Seán shouted scrunching up his face and pointing at you two accusingly, making you both laugh. “Dad why are you kissing mum?” Sam asked curiously.

“Well, it’s because I love her” Niall smiled.

“But girls are mean……I’m never going to kiss someone” Seán said disgustingly. Niall chuckled “Well since you’re my son…. I can assure you that’s not going to stay true for long, you’ll be kissing girls in no time,” he winked at Seán making you playfully hit Niall on the shoulder and glare at him.

“He will NOT be kissing any girls any time soon, you’re my baby boy” you cooed holding your hands out for him to come and sit on your lap. He gladly came over and sat on your lap wrapping his arms around you as Sam did the same with Niall who was still cuddling you.

“This is nice” Niall mumbled.

After a while of sitting there enjoying each others presence Niall spoke up

“So guys…..i have a surprise for you all…..”He trailed off making Seán and Sam jump out of your laps with excited looks on their faces



“TELL US” They said in unison. You were clueless as to what the surprise was, Niall hadn’t told you anything. Niall looked at you and winked before facing the boys

“Well…..we’re….all….going…to…………” He said slowly on purpose for effect making the boys groan and shout

“DAD!” making you both chuckle; to be honest you were just as eager as the boys to find out.

“DISNEYLAND” Niall shouted, as soon as he said that the boys were jumping up and down shouting ‘yays’ and ‘I can’t waits’

You turned to look at Niall wide eyed who was already looking at you with a grin on his face

“Are you serious?!” You asked excitedly, he nodded his head eagerly “Yes baby!!! More serious than I’ve ever been, I sorted it all out with your work and the boy’s school and my schedule. We’re going on a family holiday!” He cheered before standing up bringing you with him, lifting you up and twirling you around the room, making you laugh.

The boy’s jumped on top of you making you all fall onto a pile on the floor “This is going to be the BEST TRIP EVER” Sam exclaimed. “Thanks dad” Seán said.

 “Anything for my beautiful family. I can’t wait to make some more memories.” Niall replied smiling. 

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