He sticks up for you in front of the fans

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"Fake!? What the hell?" Niall exclaimed looking down at his phone.

He'd just come back home after a few meetings with the rest of the band.

"Huh?" You asked raising your eyebrows.

"The fans are making up stuff saying that our relationship is fake and the things they're saying about you....absolutely horrible" he muttered angrily.

Niall very rarely got angry so when he did it must have been pretty serious.

You logged onto your own twitter on your phone to see the trends



You closed your eyes leaning your head back trying to make sense of everything. Every time you saw hate comments towards you, you would always get emotional, you couldn't help it. So right now you knew the things people were saying weren't going to be pretty.

"Y/n..." Niall whispered, you opened your eyes to see he had edged closer to you, concern and guilt written all over his features. "I am so sorry," he whispered.

You furrowed your eyebrows, "Niall you have nothing to be sorry about,"


"But nothing. This isn't your fault," you shook your head with a sad smile. Niall always felt guilty about you receiving hate.

He kissed you softly on the lips, "I love you,"

"Love you too." You smiled.

*2 weeks later*

"Let's go babyyyyyy," Niall chuckled, changing his tone of voice.

"Okay then babyyyyy," you replied in the same tone, sending you both into fits of laughter.

"Right you two babyyyyyyyyy's shut it, we've got to get going," Louis exclaimed pushing you both towards the hotel doors.

They were on tour and you were joining them for the first half. You were all on your way to the next destination, there were hundreds of fans waiting for the boys outside of the hotel where the bus was to pick you all up.

It's been a couple of weeks since the rumours of Niall and yours relationship being fake. You both hadn't talked about it since that night, it was a silent agreement made by the two of you to just try and ignore it and carry on with your lives.

Niall entwined your fingers with his and rubbed soothing circles, "Let's go," he smiled kissing the top of your head.

The doorman opened the double doors and soon you heard piercing screams of excited fans. You looked to Niall to see the soft grin he had on his face, he loved his fans.

You both walked out hand in hand through the path that security had cleared.




"I'm going to take a few quick selfies, you go ahead," he whispered in your ears. You nodded your head smiling, he gave your hand a tight squeeze before letting go.

You took a deep breath and carried on slowly walking thought the hoards of fans, the security guard in front of you guiding the way. You smiled appreciatively at a few of the fans who smiled at you.

You'd only walked a few steps before hearing snickers and nasty comments. You tried your best to tune them out, not wanting the words to affect you.

'Look at her"

'I hate her'

'She's not even good enough for him'

'Definitely a fake relationship'

'Niall would never go out with her'

'Fame whore'


Your head hung low, biting your lip trying to refrain from crying. You felt arms wrap around you pulling you into them protectively and feeling a kiss being placed on your temple.

You turned to find Niall with fury in his eyes. He looked guilty, angry and annoyed at the same time.

He brought you even closer to him then shot a look at the girl who screamed at you then scanned the crowd for the others who he heard say mean things before landing back on the girl.

"You're no fan of mine. I have never taught my fans to be so rude and disrespectful towards anyone and I'm ashamed of those who do. People have feelings, they're not robots. Think before you speak next time."

The fans were completely silent as they took in his words, as were you. You've never seen Niall like this. Without a word he ushered you towards the bus without a second glance at the crowd.

Once you got into the bus the rest of the boys gave Niall a pat on the back and muttered a few words to him before walking away to another part of the bus.


He turned around to face you, his eyes glossed over. "I love them so much y/n....so much....but what some of them are doing to you is completely wrong..." He broke off almost on the verge of breaking down. It had all taken its toll on him.

Before you or he could say anything else you brought him into a bone crushing hug. He wrapped his arms around you burying his head into your neck, his body shaking from soft whimpers.

*1 hour later*

You were both on the couch, legs tangled together, you had your head rested on Niall's chest and he had a hand in your hair gently caressing through your curls.

"Whoa" Niall whispered.

"What?" You asked looking up at him.

"'We're sorry Niall' and 'sorry y/n' is trending." He stated.


He nodded his head. He scrolled through some of the things people were saying and then frowned.

"What's wrong?" You asked.

"They think that I'm mad at all of them and have 'disowned' them" he frowned.

He showed you a few tweets

@NiallOfficial @Y/T/N we're sorry Niall and y/n. We support you, not all us fans are horrible and mean

Niall decided to tweet out a reply to that

@(fans twitter name) I appreciate that, thank you. I know you're not all like that I love you all

After sending that reply Niall looked at the girls reaction to the tweet he sent and chuckled when she tweeted a bunch of random letters in capital letters. He loved to see fans reactions.

After a few minutes he tweeted out

Thank you all for your nice words. I'm not mad at you, it just gets too much at times. I know 99% of you are great & not mean at all

Then in the next tweet he added

I love you all more than words can describe, you have no idea how much I appreciate you guys. Rumours can hurt especially when it's people closest to me, please try and understand that

New tweet


"Do you think that's okay?" He asked worriedly after he had tweeted. He was always anxious after tweeting heartfelt things because he never wanted to sound like he was complaining.

"Thank you Niall" you whispered.

"For what?"

"Sticking up for me"

"I'd do anything for you princess." He smiled kissing you.


Not too sure about this one :/

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