The boys accidently hurt you not knowing you're pregant

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Thanks to MorganBrown123 for the idea :)


Niall placed his hand on your stomach with a wide grin on his face, he looked like a little kid on Christmas.

"I can't wait until the minnie me or you comes," he spoke. You two found out about 7 and a half weeks ago that you were pregnant, so far you've kept quiet about it. Waiting for the right time to tell everyone.

"Niall why do you have your hand on y/n's stomach?" Louis asked weirdly as he entered the room backstage. Niall immediately retracted his hand scratching the back of his neck awkwardly,

"Just...checking for umm....worms...."

You looked at Niall questioningly and Louis replied, "Worms?"

Niall coughed awkwardly before nodding his head confidently, "Yes's this new thing you won't get it, oh look Lou's calling for my hair talk to you later," he rushed, kissing you swiftly on the lips and hurrying out of the room.

You looked to Louis who was about to open his mouth to speak, but you beat him to it, "I have no idea what he was talking about."

"Yeah he is a bit cray cray at times," Louis agreed.

"Y/nnnnnnn," Harry greeted entering the room along with Zayn and Liam.

"Hey guys. What's that?" You asked pointing to the object in Zayn's hand.

"It's a mini football we found, it's quite heavy actually, I wonder what's in this...." He said curiously looking at it.

"Lemme see?" Liam asked, Zayn passed him the ball, after he analysed it, Liam passed it to Louis, "Louis catch,"

"Dayum guys this is heavy," Louis groaned, "Here y/n catch!" Louis exclaimed throwing the ball in your direction. Louis's aim was terrible because instead of it going near your hands the ball headed straight in the direction of your stomach

"Ouch!" You cried in pain clutching your stomach, your breathing started to quicken once you realised the part of you affected was your stomach. The baby.

Just then Niall entered the room

"Guys what's going o- shit y/n what's happened?" He asked frantically wide eyed hurrying to your side.

"M-my stomach...."

"Oh my god oh my god," Niall panicked.

"Y/n I'm so sorry, the pain will go away soon, I'm so sorry I didn't mean for that to happen!" Louis said worriedly hurrying over to you once he realised how much pain you were in.

"What happened!?" Niall exclaimed looking around the room at the guys.

"I accidentally hit her in the stomach with that's quite a heavy one.....I didn't think it would hurt this bad,"

"You idiot she's pregnant!" Niall exclaimed frustratingly.

"Niall," you whispered worriedly gaining his full attention. "Are you in pain princess?"

You nodded your head, "A little,"

"Zayn go get some help," Liam ordered.

"Come sit down babe," Niall gestured towards the sofa trying to be as calm as possible.

A few minutes later two medical people entered the room, "what do we have here....."

*20 minutes later*

With a lot of reassurance the doctors finally left, "and you're sure y/n and the baby are fine?" Niall asked for the 63rd time in twenty minutes, yes you counted.

"We assure you Mr Horan, they're both healthy, which is great."

"Okay thank you doctor," you replied before Niall could ask again about your health. He smiled and exited with his colleague.

As soon as he left the room, Niall narrowed his eyes at Louis. Louis looked upset, so you went up to him, "y/n...I'm so sorry...I had no idea, I feel so bad," he said.

You smiled sincerely, "Don't worry about it, I'm healthy the baby's healthy. Nothing happened so I guess I can let you off this time," you winked, making Louis chuckle before he looked at Niall who walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around you.

"We cool?" Louis asked.

Niall nodded, "We're cool," he smiled then kissed you on the temple.

"Y/N'S PREGNANT WOOOOOO!" Harry shouted (really loudly) making you as well as everyone else in the room jump.

"Jesus Harry you gave me a heart attack!" Niall exclaimed.

"Sorry," he whispered making you laugh.

"Group hug?" Harry questioned.

"Yeah," you grinned holding your arms out as the lads huddled around to hug you. A series of "congratulations," left their lips.

"Thanks guys, but I'm getting squished at the moment," you said in between breaths. They all quickly scrambled off of you. "Sorry" they muttered.

"Well I don't know about you guys," Zayn started, "but I call godfather and you should probably name him after me,"

"Oh hell no!" Louis countered. "This child is all mine.....well I mean after y/n and Niall of course."

"It could be a girl!"

You and Niall chuckled looking at each other thinking the same thing, he signalled towards the door and you nodded your head. You both snuck out leaving the four boys to argue.

"I still can't believe I'm gonna be a dad and you're gonna be a mum," he said shaking his head. "Me too."

"But we'll be the best parents in the entire world that's for sure," he replied.

"Definitely, I can't wait."

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