Gang (AU)

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"NO Y/N WE CAN'T BE TOGETHER! WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?" Niall exclaimed for the second time that night, running his hand through his hair frustratingly.
He was breaking your heart by the second.
Niall and you had been friends for about a month now, you'd had feelings for him since the day you met him, but those feelings were confirmed when the two of you got caught up in the heat of the moment, when he came over to your house for a fun cooking session. Food was flown everywhere apart from in the bowl and one thing led to another....he kissed you.
Now he was freaking out after you told him that you liked him.

"But I don't understand....." You whispered quietly, but loud enough for him to hear.
"Well try and understand! That kiss meant nothing okay? Absolutely NOTHING" he shouted not caring. Then without another word he walked out of the room, you followed behind him, he shrugged on his jacket, opened the front door and slammed it shut behind him before you could get a word in.
Finally you broke down and let the tears fall.
End of flashback

It's been 2 weeks since the argument. 2 weeks since the kiss...
You tried to phone him a couple of times but he never picked up. He didn't attempt to make any contact with you whatsoever.
You were out on a walk, it was about 6pm so you decided to go out to clear your head.
Niall was the person on your mind. You started to think about the times he'd acted strange, he would have to rush off, but he'd always tell you some sort of cryptic message like 'I'm sorry I have to go. But I'll come back....I'll always come back.'
Thinking about that made a lump appear in your throat.
No matter how horrible he was, you still missed him.
All of a sudden without warning you bumped into something hard, like a brick wall.

"Oh I'm so sorry," you rushed looking up towards a very scary looking man. He had a tattoo beneath his ear, a bald head and stank of smoke.
He put his hand on your shoulder, making you feel uncomfortable. "That's alright doll," his voice was gruff. You laughed nervously and turned around to walk in the other direction, as soon as you turned around you bumped into another figure, who laughed sickeningly. "Where do you think you're going sweetie?"
Without warning the first man grabbed your from behind and dragged you with him, placing a hand over your mouth muffling your screams of protests.
He dragged you to a corner, outside an alleyway.

"I'm going to take my hand off of your mouth. Scream and you'll regret it, you understand?!" The bald man threatened. You nodded your head, holding back a whimper.
He released his hand, sending a gust of fresh air towards you.
"Niall did well," the second man praised with an evil smile.
"He did, too bad he's not going to see her ever again,"
Your eyes widened, who were these people? And how did they know Niall?
"What do you want from me?" You asked scared.
A cackle was let out of both of their mouths, "what do you think we want doll?" He winked, making your skin crawl.

"We gotta be quick before word gets to Niall" one of the men spoke.
"What's Niall got to do with this....." You whispered, afraid that the man would put his hand over your mouth again.
"Oh doll, he hasn't told you a thing has he" the man stated smirking.
"Let me go" you said with gritted teeth.
The bald man you bumped into, held you against a wall, making sure you couldn't move.

"Not yet" the bald man replied.
"Oooh the fun I'm going to have with you," he whispered menacingly taking a sharp shiny object out of his back pocket. Your heart started racing at the sight of the pocket knife. He pushed you harder against the wall and brought the blade towards your neck, gently grazing the skin
"I wouldn't do that if I was you!" A very familiar voice sounded.
The man with the knife didn't look back, but a smug smile appeared on his face, "I was waiting for you to show up,"

Your eyes moved towards the angry disheveled figure of the new person that showed up. His fists were clenched, his eyes menacingly dark, if looks could kill.....
"Niall" you whispered. Niall didn't remove eye contact from the man holding you against the wall.
Panic came across you when you realised the second man getting closer and closer behind Niall, with a metal pole in his hand, before you could think you shouted, "Niall behind you!"
He turned around as quick as a flash, everything went too quickly, he kicked the guy in the stomach causing him to hunch over, then pushed him onto the ground, grabbed the pole and slammed it close to his face scaring him. "I'm gonna give you two seconds to get out of here, or you know what's going to happen," his voice was nothing like you've ever heard before, it was dark and angry.
The man scraped himself off the floor and ran off as fast as his legs could carry him.
Niall's attention was back onto the bald man, still keeping you locked on to the wall.

"Guess it's going to be the hard way," Niall whispered and again without a seconds hesitation, he charged towards the man, ripping him off of you, he took the pocket knife out of his hand and chucked it to the side.
He kicked him in the stomach sending him to the floor, and then got down and punched him twice in the jaw. "I want you to go back to your boss and make sure he's got the message!" Niall seethed with anger.
He then punched him for the third time, causing the bald man to groan in pain, "TOUCH MY GIRL AGAIN AND YOU'RE DEAD" He warned standing up and spitting on him. "Scum" he spat out and then turned to you. Without a word he grabbed your hand and pulled you away from the scene.

*1 hour later*

"A....gang.....?" You let out disbelievingly. Niall nodded his head slowly, "I'm sorry..." He whispered.
He had taken you back to his house and started to explain everything. He was a part of a very popular gang apparently, and had gotten involved with some very bad people.

"Why are you sorry?" You questioned.
He looked up and took your hand in his causing sparks to shoot up and down them. "I'm sorry for not telling you about the gang. I'm sorry about lying to you.....about the kiss....that kiss meant everything to me y/n. It mean more than everything, you have no idea how long I've waited to do that, and now it kills me to know that I can't be with you......"

"Why did you tell me it meant nothing?" You whispered.
"Because I'm putting you in danger y/n. You can't be with just can't....." He trailed off his voice full of emotion.
You tightened your grip on his hands, "who said I can't? I'm willing to take the risk," you replied.
He shook his head, "No! I'm not risking losing you for good." He stated, your hand still in his, he was gently caressing his thumb over your knuckles obliviously.

Without saying anything else, you leaned in and pressed your lips against his, he tightened his grip on you, bringing you closer, his hand caressed your cheek, whilst yours wrapped around his neck, gently tugging at the small tufts of hair.

You both broke away for air, still close enough that both of your lips were brushing against each other. "Please" you whispered against his lips. A small smile appeared on his lips, "How can I let you go after that"
I hope you all liked it :/ :D
Positive message of the day: I love you for reading my imagines/preferences! You're all beautiful beautiful beautiful people!!!! Xxx
P.s. Which countries are you guys from?? I'm curious!!

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