You're both on the same plane

15.6K 344 111

"We're being what.........?" You asked the person at the flight desk in disbelief.

"Upgraded" she said cheerily. You turned around to look at your friend, she had the same look on her face as you. "Oh my god" you both said at the same time, making the woman at the desk laugh.

"Enjoy your flight ladies," she smiled handing you your tickets.

It's not everyday that you get to sit in first class.

"Wow, thank you." You said receiving your tickets.

*1 hour*

You were both guided towards a special lounge for those 'important people' who sit in first class. You looked around to see most people looking like the business type.

"We have to act cool," you friend whispered, you raised your eyebrows at her, "Huh?"

She shook her head disapprovingly, "You know....we have to act like we belong here, like this is no biggi- oh look it's a frickin food table!" She squealed completely off topic and turning a few heads.

"Way to act cool," you laughed, but she had already gone towards the food.

You sat down on a very comfy looking chair and took out your magazine.

*30 minutes later*

Your seats had been called and it was time to board the plane.

The seats were huge, it was like a whole booth for one person. Amazing you thought. Your friend wanted to be next to the window so you let her have that seat.
You were in the middle, with a seat next to you.

You took out what you would need from your bag and reached up to open the cupboard above.

"Would you like some help with that?" A voice asked from the other side of you. You turned a little to get a look at the person. Your eyes widened a little realising who it was.

You cleared your throat, "erm yes please. If it's not too much trouble," you smiled sweetly.

He shook his head smiling, coming around to your side of the seats. "It's no problem at all." He lifted up your bag and placing it in.

"There we go,"

"Thank you," you smiled.

"No problem. Looks like we're gonna be plane buddies for 9 hours," he grinned.

"Yeah," you smiled.

He went back around to take his seat. You turned to your friend who already had her eye mask on and soft snores were leaving her mouth. She was a very heavy sleeper that's for sure.

You decided to sit comfortably and explore the buttons near your seat.

"Press that button there," the guy next to you spoke again. You turned to face him, "Oh sorry, I didn't even introduce myself, I'm Niall"

"Hi I'm y/n,"

"Love your name," he complimented. "Thanks. So what does this button do?" You asked.

"Try it," he smirked.

You pressed it and out popped a foot rest and a packet of peanuts next to you. A silent "whoa" left your lips.

Niall chuckled, "I thought that too."

*5 hours later*

Niall and you had become pretty good friends during the plane ride. He told you things about him and you did the same about you. You told him you were a fan and he said he was very glad that you were.

"Y/n take a selfie with me," Niall said taking his phone out of one of the compartments.

"Okay" you laughed, "but I have to be able to take one too,"

"Of course," he replied.

"Smileeeeee," he said angling the camera, then you both took a funny one, and another smiley one. "Perfect." He muttered looking at them, "Is it okay if I post them?" He asked. You nodded your head, "Sure, my turn." You spoke taking out your phone. You both did the same and had a laugh about the stupid faces you pulled.

*1 hour later*

"This onboard wifi is awesome," you complimented. "I know right." Niall replied.

"So is that your friend?" Niall asked pointing towards your friend still sleeping cosily by the window. "Yeah she is, are you here with anyone?"

Niall nodded, "Harry's two seats behind, I think he's sleeping."

"I can't sleep on planes, I can never get comfy enough" you said.

Niall had a thoughtful look before he started to speak again, "Why don't you try this," he lifted the little barricade between you two and signalled for you to scoot over a little. You looked at him confused.

"You can rest your head on me, I'm sure I'm more comfy than a piece of wood," he slightly chuckled.

"Are you sure?"

He nodded his head, "Yeah, it's fine, come here." He pulled you a little closer so his arm was around you and your head was on his shoulder.

Within no time you fell asleep.

You were awoken by a gentle shrug.

"Y/n....y/n...we're landing,"

Everything came flooding back to you, you wiped the sleep out of your eyes and lifted your head a little yawn escaped your mouth.

"Nice sleep?" Niall asked raising his eyebrow. You smiled, "Yeah actually, thanks for....lending your shoulder..."

You mentally rolled your eyes. "Anytime," Niall laughed.

"Did you get any sleep?" You asked. Niall nodded his head, "Yeah, I woke up about five minutes ago." He explained.

"Ladies and gentleman this is your captain speaking, we are about to begin our descent......."

*Once you landed*

It took a while for your friend to get out of the shock that Niall and Harry were on the same plane as you, but she played it cool.....

"It was nice spending time with you y/n," Niall spoke once you had all got your bags off of the carousel.

"Yeah, it was fun" you smiled.

Harry nudged Niall in the side, he faked a cough

Cough*ask her* Cough

Niall rolled his eyes but took his phone out, "I'd love to hang out again sometime, preferably somewhere where we're not sitting down for 9 hours," he chuckled.

"Yeah that'd be nice." You replied.

"I'll give you my number," you both exchanged numbers and were on your way out.

Fifteen minutes later you went onto Instagram to see Niall's post. It was two of the pictures you took, one funny one and another one of you both smiling. With the caption

Meet my flight buddy ✈️ best flight ever, see you soon babe X



What's your favourite song off of FOUR?
I can't choose!

Niall Horan Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now