AU: Breaking down the bad boy part 2

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It's been two days since the whole Niall incident occurred, he didn't show up to school yesterday which wasn't much of a surprise, he always skips it as much as he can.

You walked up to the school looking around you at all of the students in their different cliques, every school has them, it's inevitable. You stood there in the middle of the swarm of students around you waiting for your best friend, all the students were chattering away with their friends, some gave you the occasional glance before turning back around to their friends whispering things like

"That's the girl Niall helped"

"Why did he help her? Who even is she..."

You rolled your eyes, it was just the usual, it'll be old news by tomorrow probably.

You looked up surprised to see Niall standing by the wall in his usual spot whenever he comes to school. He was with his two friends, they all leant against the wall, one foot on the wall and another off. Like in those movies when the hot guy just stands there leaning on a wall not doing anything yet he still looks like a model who's walked out of vogue magazine.

Niall was scanning the crowds of students as he does every morning he's here, it's like he just stands there analysing everyone and then talks to his friends like it was completely normal. His gaze stopped on yours and you locked eyes for a second before he turned his head and carried on talking to his friends.

"Y/N" You heard someone shout before you were attacked in a hug making you giggle, of course no one else would do that apart from your best friend Chelsea. "Hey Chels" you laughed, "What's with the hug?"

"What? Can't I hug my bestest friend?" she questioned jokingly as you rolled your eyes.

"Oh looks like Niall's back," She observed. You nodded your head "Yup"

"That's all you can say.....yup" she spoke. You shrugged your shoulders "What do you want me to say?" you asked. A cheeky grin came across her face "Well what I really want is for you to go over there and kiss his face off and then say 'thank you my hero, my knight in shining armour for saving me'" She mimicked making you laugh.

"You're crazy you know that?" you giggled, "Totally" she agreed.

You felt a tap on your shoulder making you turn around, your eyes widened, it was Jack. He looked terrible, battered and bruised and you were sure he had a black eye although it looked like he tried to cover it. "Y/-y/n?" he stuttered, he looked scared.

"Yeah?" you asked worriedly, why would he want to talk to you. "I j-just wanted to say....." he took a deep breath looking over at Niall then quickly shot his head down to you "I'm sorry.....sorry for erm...falling and hurting you the other day," he finished glancing back at Niall looking nervous.

You furrowed your eyebrows, wow he was apologizing....

You shook your head "It's okay, I'm fine," you said truthfully. Jack nodded his head at your answer

"Are you okay?" you asked concerned, it looked like he was shaking in his boots. "I'm completely...fine, yeah...okay sorry again, I should go, bye" he stuttered before taking one last look at Niall then scurrying off.

You turned back around to face Chelsea, catching a glimpse of a smirking satisfied Niall.

"Well...that was weird," you spoke. "I bet you £10 that Niall threatened him to come over here and apologise to you," she grinned. You shook your head "Don't be stupid Chels,"

"I'm not, trust me, he hasn't taken his eyes off of you since Jack came." She observed.

"Yeah well...he's probably still mad at Jack from the fight, so he's probably keeping tabs on him or something," you shrugged it off. Chelsea shook her head not believing you, but the bell went signalling for everyone to get to their classes.

"Let's go" she groaned, dragging you along with her.


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