Don't call me cute

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"I'm so lucky to have you" You said smiling down at your boyfriend Niall who had his head in your lap as you were running your hand through his hair.

"What makes you say that?" Niall asked. You shrugged your shoulders "It's always hear stories about break ups and horrible couples that end badly. There's very rarely a happy ending anymore, but I know with you, there will be a happy ending......" You finished, biting your lip and then started shaking your head "Forget I even said that, it probably doesn't even make sense" you let out a light laugh.

Niall brought his hand towards your face gently caressing your cheek "No I get it Y/n. I do. Not a lot of people get to find their happy ending. They don't get to find their dream girl. The girl who takes their breath away every single day, the girl that makes them want to be a better person, the one who's responsible for them waking up with a smile every day. I'm glad I've found my girl." He finished sitting up leaning in to kiss you. Your lips fell into sync with each other, you smiled into the kiss as he chuckled and started to trail soft kisses down your neck, before moving back up to your lips "If anyone's the lucky one, it's me" he mumbled against your lips, bringing you in for another passionate kiss.

After a few minutes you both pulled away, he intertwined your fingers as you began to talk

"Has anyone ever told you that you can be really cheesy Horan," you said with a small smirk on your lips.

Niall did a boyish grin "I can't help it" before narrowing his eyes at you "But if you tell any one of the boys I will never forgive you. They'd never let me live it down." He finished making you laugh "Awww, you're so cute." You cooed.

Niall scoffed " nah...I'm all man!" He stated proudly puffing his chest out. "Oh really?" You asked.

He nodded his head "I even have chest hair, if that's not manly then I don't know what is"

"If you don't want to hurt a guys pride, don't call him....'cute'" he said the word with utter disgust.

You placed a hand on your forehead dramatically "Oh my....I'm so sorry for hurting your pride, what would you like me to say instead of cute?"

Niall ran a hand through his hair with a smirk playing on his lips "Oh you know.....handsome...charming....very good looking...."

"Could your ego get any bigger?" You asked laughing. He shook his head "Nope." "Only kidding," he grinned pecking you on the lips.

"In all seriousness though....don't call me cute" he warned. You rolled your eyes playfully "Don't worry my handsome...charming....very good looking boyfriend I shall do no such thing," you joked leaning in to kiss him.

"I love you y/n."

"I love you too."

Niall Horan Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now