Food Poisoning

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Thank you to Shellybell18 for the idea

“Urghh Ni I don’t feel too good,” you said clutching your stomach, you had just come home from a meal out with Niall and you suddenly felt extremely sick. Niall came over and felt your forehead, “God babe you’re burning up,” he said looking concerned. “C’mon let’s get you upstairs, I’ll go get you some medicine.”

Niall slowly walked you up to your room and left you to change into your pyjamas whilst he got your medicine. Once you got changed had that sick feeling again, worse than before and ran to the bathroom to throw up. You felt a hand rubbing circles onto your back and one holding your hair up. “It’s okay princess I’m here.”

After you cleaned yourself up with the help of Niall, you got into bed, “Here, take two it should help you sleep” Niall said handing you some pills. “Thanks Niall,”

“No problem princess,” he said kissing your forehead, Niall was on the bed next to you, not taking his eyes off of you, he was really concerned. “I hate it when you’re ill, it’s the only kind of pain I can’t take away,” he said gently playing with your hair. “I think it was that chicken that I ate at the restaurant, I knew it smelt a little funny” you said. “That is absolutely appalling I am going to have a word” Niall said his face showing a disapproving look.

He kissed you again on the forehead “Get some rest y/n, I’ll be right here when you wake up” and with that you slowly drifted off to sleep.

After a while you woke up, rubbing your eyes cleared your vision to see an angry looking Niall on the phone. “No are you not listening to what I’m saying….right….I am disgusted by your service, my girlfriend has food poisoning because of you, what do you intend to do about it…….an apology isn’t going to cut it, I am going to phone the inspectors and make sure no one else eats there ever, it’s a health hazard, absolutely outrageous!” he shouted closing the phone down on them. It’s very rare Niall got mad so when he did it always seemed to surprise you.

“Niall?” you whispered. It was loud enough for him to immediately look up and walk over to you, “What is it princess? Do you feel sick again? Do you need me to get some more medicine? Are you too cold? Are...”

“Ni stop” you cut him off giggling. “I don’t need anything.” He then smiled. “Was that you on the phone with the restaurant?” you asked. He nodded “Yeah, those idiots! Don’t worry about them princess, I’ve dealt with it” he said with a proud look on his face. “I don’t doubt that,” you giggled.

“Your laugh is so adorable” he said, “Okay now you’re just lying” you said. “I’m not lying, silly” he laughed kissing your cheek.

“Come cuddle with me” you pouted. Niall chuckled, wrapping his arms around you, whilst you rested your head on his chest, after a while of silence, Niall kissed your head, he always did this before he fell asleep. Soon you were both enticed in a deep sleep.

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