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"You can LEAVE whenever you want y/n! Don't make out like I've got you trapped here!" Niall bellowed.

"I didn't say that did I Niall!? Stop twisting my words." You countered.

"Don't tell me what to do?" He snapped.

"I'm not telling you what to d-" you shook your head. "Actually just forget it Niall we're not getting anywhere with this!"

Niall let out a sarcastic laugh, "Oh yeah that's right, give up just like that!"

"Give up? Give up what Niall!?" You were both extremely mad and getting nowhere.

"US! Us y/n that's what!" He exclaimed.

"Never once have I said that I'm giving up on us Niall, there you go again twisting my words!"

"Urgh just shut up y/n"

"Mature Niall. Real mature. Do you know what I'm just gonna go to bed don't even bother coming up tonight," you warned.

"Wasn't planning to" Niall retorted.

You rolled your eyes and walked into your shared bedroom slamming the door shut behind you.

You both knew the fight was stupid, but you were both also too stubborn to admit it to each other. There wasn't even a point to the fight, you were both just in the wrong state of mind.

*1 hour later*

You couldn't sleep. You tried everything you could think of but nothing worked. "Stupid Niall," you muttered.

Your curiosity got the best of you so you decided to sneak downstairs to see what Niall was doing. That and you really needed a glass of water.

You gently crept down the stairs to see Niall sat on the couch staring at his blank phone. The stair that you stood on made a creaking sound making you mentally curse. Niall's head whipped around. Once he saw you, he immediately turned back around on the couch and folded his arms across his chest in a stubborn manner.

Now that he saw you, there was no point in creeping around. So you walked into the kitchen heading straight for the tap. Once you drank a glass of water, you switched the light off and walked into the living room. Niall was still sat there with a blank face and his arms crossed on the edge of the couch.

So you did the same. You sat on the opposite end of the couch and crossed your arms over your chest stubbornly too.

You weren't really sure why you did it. You just figured it was better than ignoring each other for the rest of the night.

You both sat there in silence, minutes passed by which felt like hours. One of you had to be the bigger person but right now it looked like none of you would be the first to talk.

Just when you were about to give up and walk back upstairs, Niall caught you off guard

He was laughing. Yes laughing. You turned around to face him with an angry yet confused expression, "Why are you laughing? What's so funny!?"

He clutched his stomach and tried to contain his laughter, "'s know I don't do well with awkward silences." He tried to explain.

You tried to keep the smile that was threatening to appear on your face away. Even when you're both mad at each other you couldn't keep it up.

Niall stopped laughing. He hesitantly moved closer to you on the couch, you looked down towards the floor trying not to make eye contact.

You felt a pair of arms wrap around you from the back. Niall buried his head in the crook of your neck and kissed it softly.

"I'm sorry for all the horrible things I said princess," he mumbled.

You turned a little and kissed his head placing your hand on his hair soothing it down. "I'm sorry too."

Niall got out of his little embrace from you so he could look at you properly. "Why are we both so stubborn?" He chuckled. "I was thinking the same thing," you replied.

You leaned forward and placed a warm kiss on his lips, smiling against his mouth when his arms wrapped tightly around you and pulled you onto his lap. You pulled away from him slightly, resting your forehead on his and gave him another quick kiss on the lips.

"Do you know what's good about when we fight?" Niall whispered.

You shook your head, "No, what?"

"No matter what the fight, in the back of my mind all I can think about is that I'll be able to make it up to you. At the end of the day I'll be able to hold you in my arms and everything will be okay. Our fight was so stupid."

You nodded agreeing and leaned in again to kiss him. "I hate it when we fight," you mumbled against his lips.

"I hate it too," Niall replied, "just remember that every healthy relationship has arguments, that doesn't mean I love you any less. And I want to remind you that you mean the world to me. No matter how big the fight between us is. We'll get through it because I'm never gonna let you go princess," he kissed you with more passion than before.

No matter what the fight. You'd both get through it.


I've had a pretty chilled day today so I thought I'd update again.

Hope you like it :) ☺️

Niall Horan Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now