Happy Birthday Theo

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It's Theo's birthday today!! So in honour of his birthday I wrote this thanks to Lena For the idea.

Happy birthday Theo x


"You ready to see the cutest nephew in the whole wide world" Niall grinned holding onto your hand as you walked to his brothers house. You were both in Ireland for Theo's 1st birthday party, this is the first time you would be meeting him.

You knew this meant a lot to Niall, Theo meant so much to him, he'd always talk about him and how proud he was to be his uncle.

"Can't wait!" You exclaimed turning towards Niall before you knocked on the door. "Thank you for being here princess" he said kissing your forehead. "I'm glad I'm here." You replied.

Niall knocked on the door and there to open it was his brother "GREG" Niall shouted excitedly going to give his brother a hug, it was the first time he'd seen him in ages. "Alright Niall, missed you man" Greg replied patting his brother on the back, "same here." Niall said.

Greg turned towards you bringing you into a hug "y/n nice to see you again. Thanks for coming"

"Thanks for having me," you said smiling. "No problem." He replied.

"Everyone's out in the garden lets go," Greg said pointing towards the back of the house.

You walked out into the garden to see a bouncy castle surrounded by little children, some were chasing each other, others were jumping on it and a few were sitting on the grass looking around.

"Niall, y/n you guys made it," Greg's wife Denise smiled bringing you both into a hug.

"Where's the handsome birthday boy then?" Niall cheered.

"He's right over there" Denise pointed. "Awww he looks so cute" you cooed. "Yeah, his grandad bought him that top as part of his birthday present," Greg informed.

"Let's go see him," Niall smiled pulling you along with him.

You were walking over to Theo when he turned around and spotted Niall. A big grin came across his face and he started to run towards Niall

"Ni Ni" he shouted holding his hands out. You looked to Niall making you smile even wider, he had the biggest smile on his face, Theo was so happy to see him, Niall held his hands out running halfway to Theo since he was only young. He swooped him up in his arms and gave him a bone crushing hug.

"I missed you little man. Happy Birthday!" Niall said kissing his cheek. Theo smiled and wrapped his little arms around Niall's neck burying his head in Niall's shoulder. You couldn't help but 'awww' this was just too cute.

Niall turned around to face you with Theo still in his arms. "Theo I want you to meet someone very special," Niall said to him, Theo looked up and caught your eyes.

"This is y/n, y/n this is Theo." Niall introduced. "Hi Theo, it's nice to meet you, happy birthday" you smiled ruffling his hair a little making him giggle "tank....you...." He tried to get the words out, "Aww look at that smile he's giving you and he's using his manners, you're gonna be a ladies man aren't ya Theo!" Niall laughed. Theo nodded his head rapidly, probably not even understanding what was going on making you both laugh. "Just like your uncle." You winked.

"I need to take a picture of this you guys look adorable," you heard a voice saying for behind you. It was Denise.

"Come on get in y/n." She said, positioning you to stand next to Niall. She got her camera ready, Niall held Theo in one hand and put the other hand around your waist bringing you closer, you all smiled as the flash went off. "Perfect." Denise smiled, "oh Niall your dad wanted to talk to you," she said pointing towards the porch, "okay. I'll be right back," Niall said pecking your cheek before putting Theo back down.

"I'm so happy you two are together, Greg's always saying how he's never seen Niall this happy before." Denise said to you. "Really?" You asked. "100% I won't be surprised if the next wedding we're at is yours" she complimented winking, making you blush furiously as you let out a nervous laugh. Denise sensed your awkwardness as she laughed "Don't worry y/n this family would be lucky to have you."

"Thank you" you smiled. "I have to go get the food ready, I'll be back soon." She said. "Oh do you need any help?" You asked. She shook her head "No thanks, you enjoy yourself." She said before walking away.

You looked down to see Theo still standing there looking at you in awe, you bent down to his level "Hey Theo, you okay?" You asked. He nodded his head, "Do you want to go jump on the bouncy castle!?"

He shook his head "No tank...you"

"Aww your cute." You cooed.

Whilst you were talking to Theo, Niall was watching you from afar with his dad, they were having a good old catch up and now the subject was onto you. "She's really good with him isn't she?" Niall's dad said smiling towards you and Theo. Niall nodded his head "She really is."

"She's a good one. Don't let her go Niall." He warned. "I'll never let her go," Niall answered not taking his eyes off of you.

"Hey guys," you said walking up to Niall and his dad with Theo holding onto you. "Y/n nice to see you again," he smiled. "Bobby you too, I've missed this place," you said pulling out of the hug. "You're welcome here anytime," he affirmed. "I have to go make a phone call but I'll be right back." Bobby said taking his phone out of his pocket. You and Niall nodded as he walked away.

"You ready to give Theo his birthday present?" Niall asked smiling. You nodded your head looking at Theo "What do you say Theo? Do you want your present!?"

He nodded his head smiling "preseeentttt" he replied. All three of you went back into the house and walked into the living room, where there was a box wrapped up. "There it is" Niall said pointing towards the box "go open it" he carried on.

Theo walked over to the box, he tried banging on it to make it open making you and Niall chuckle "Want some help little man?" Niall asked. "Here" Niall said helping him to rip off the wrapping.

"Hey guys what are you doing?" Denise asked walking into the room, with Greg behind her. "Giving Theo his present" you replied. "Aww you guys didn't have to," Greg said. Niall shook his head along with you "We wanted to."

"There we go" Niall smiled pulling off the final piece of wrapping, Denise gasped, and Theo clapped his hands "car car"

"You like it?" You asked. Theo nodded "yes yes yes yes," grinning. "Do you want to sit in it?" Niall asked knowingly. Theo nodded his head again, Niall picked him up and placed him in the toy car, Theo pretended to drive it, making little noises every now and then. Niall took a picture of him in it and sent it to everyone.

"Tank...you" Theo announced blowing a kiss to you and Niall. "Anytime, happy birthday Theo" you smiled kissing his forehead. Niall nodded his head approvingly "See...ladies man." He winked.

A few hours later, you were still at the house sitting on the couch, most people were also in the room chatting about the past and other gossip going around. Niall had his arm around you, playing with the ends of your hair with his fingers, kissing your head every now and then, whilst you were talking to the others.

A while later Niall started talking to you. "You know I can't wait till we have our own kids someday," he whispered smiling looking at you. "Me too," you replied. "I'm gonna make sure our kid is the most loved kid in the world. It's gonna have the best mummy and daddy in the world that's for sure." He confirmed kissing you shortly on the lips.

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