Nothing like us

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Ok. I just came up with this, I don't really know what it is or if it's good or not haha
Hope you like it anyway xx


Have you been drinkin'
To take all the pain away?
I wish that I could give you what you deserve

"I think you've had enough mate" Liam told Niall as he gulped down the last of his drink. They were sat in a little bar, Liam thought he could use a change of scene from his gloomy flat.

"She's gone Li, she's gone..." Niall trailed off, tears threatening to leave his eyes. "She needs a boyfriend who doesn't have a schedule for whenever they can meet" he carried on. Liam patted Niall's back giving him a sympathetic look "Niall that's not true and you know it, I know the fight you and y/n had was mainly to do with the fact that you think you're a shit boyfriend and she deserves better, but in all honesty Niall that's not true. She needs you. Have you not seen the way the girl looks at you. She frickin loves you" Liam finished, he knew Niall was listening but Niall didn't reply, he just stared off into space. Liam took a deep sigh "...we should get you back home c'mon" he said grabbing onto Niall to support him, walking towards the car.

Once in the car Niall started talking again "I've lost her, I've lost my greatest source of happiness, my world.....gone" he whispered. Liam couldn't find any words to support Niall. He hated seeing his best friend like this, but he had no idea what to do.

Once Liam pulled up, he helped Niall enter his flat, "you gonna be alright tonight Niall?" He asked. Niall nodded his head sobering up a little "yeah." Liam ruffled his hair, gave him a sad smile and closed the door as he left.

Niall walked to the couch in his living room, he sat down burying his head in his hands. He didn't want any of this. He wanted you back. The reason you two had broken up in the first place was because he thought he wasn't good enough for you, he thought that with his schedule it wasn't fair to put you through everything he goes through. There were a few arguments the night you two had broken up, things were said from both of you that you both now regret.

He couldn't sleep, he just sat there on the couch reminiscing all the good times you two had shared. He looked at the clock it had just gone past midnight. Niall smiled at the memory of you two having long midnight talks about everything and anything. He didn't even notice the tear that had rolled down his cheek, one tear turning into a whole stream.

That's when he suddenly got up, he couldn't take this anymore, he grabbed his jacket and walked out of the door. He'd take his car, but he had been drinking.

Once the cold air hit him, he ran. He ran as fast as he could, knowing the exact location he was going to, the route being extremely familiar that he could walk there with his eyes closed if he wanted to. He stopped at the door, the door that behind it contained his happiness. He knew it was late, but he couldn't go another second without seeing his princess's face.

He rang the doorbell, there was no answer. He tried one more time when the flickering of a light in the hallway caught your attention, making Niall straighten up a little.

Once you opened the door, Niall's mind went completely blank. He had no idea what he was going to say, he didn't plan on coming here, it just happened. Seeing your face brought back joy to him but also hurt, the pain that he caused you and you caused him.

"Niall?" You whispered, shocked that he was here on your doorstep, he looked broken, like a lost puppy, making your heart break. Before you could process what was going on Niall stepped forward and wrapped you in a hug. He buried his head in the crook of your neck, his soft hair brushing your collar bone, his hands were tightly secure around your waist, you automatically hugged back. The sense of familiarity, calmness, safety and love overcame the two of you.

He kept whispering "I'm sorry" his voice muffled as he was still hugging you.

"You're freezing, come inside" you said pulling out of the hug and grabbing his hand and shutting the door behind you two.

You sat down at the kitchen table, Niall next to you, Niall grabbing onto your hands again and intertwining your fingers.

"Y/n I know we said things we regret that night, I'm sorry. But what I've learned over the last couple of days is that......I can't live without you princess. We're meant to be together, I know I can't do some of the things a 'normal' boyfriend could do, but I can try. I never want to let you go y/n and I'm here for as long as you want me." He finished kissing your knuckles.

"'re the best boyfriend in the entire world, I'm not just saying that. I don't want that normal boyfriend crap, I only want you, I'm sorry about what I said. I don't want to be with anyone else but you" you said sniffling a little.

Niall's hands cupped your cheeks gently he placed a kiss to your forehead, "I'm so lucky to have you in my life....can we start over?" He asked. You nodded your head, he tugged a strand of hair behind your ear you didn't need to say anything as Niall leant in to give you the most amazing kiss of your life.

"There's nothing like us princess" he whispered.

Niall Horan Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now