You feel sick

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You woke up in the morning feeling really cold, shivering and you had a really bad headache. You got out of bed quietly not wanting to wake up Niall, he's always really busy and deserves to sleep. You went to the kitchen and got some medicine out of the cupboard and a glass of water and then you hear Niall

"Princess?" You turned around to see him standing there with a tired frown, his hair was disheveled and a small yawn escaped his mouth, "Niall I'm sorry did I wake you? Go back to sleep,"

Niall walked closer to you and felt your forehead, once he felt how you were burning up he wrapped his arms around you and kissed your head, "Awww y/n you're not well, I can't go to sleep when my princess is ill," Niall said in a sweet voice. He picked you up bridal style towards your bedroom.

"No Niall seriously i'll be fine, you don't have to," You said shaking your head. Niall placed you on to the bed and said he was going to make breakfast in bed for the both of you, he went out of the room and came back 20 minutes later with some delicious looking food.

You both ate the food and Niall put his arm around you and said "You know i'd do anything for you, no matter what right? I know how bad you feel when the attention is on you, but trust me I love looking after you, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't take care of my girl," He smiled looking deep into your eyes. He then leaned in to kiss you but you quickly stopped him and said "No Niall, you can't kiss me, you'll get sick,"

"I don't care, kissing you is worth getting sick, you're too irresistible my gorgeous girl," He whispered sweetly, then quickly leaned in and kissed your lips before you could stop him, eventually you gave in and started to kiss him back.

Niall took care of you for the rest of the day and you both watched dvds and kissed each other. A LOT.....

Niall Horan Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now