His girlfriend doesn't like you

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"What's SHE doing here!?" Niall's bimbo of a girlfriend screeched as you walked into the room full of people. The boys were holding a little party to thank friends and family for always sticking by them, so as being Niall's best friend you were of course invited.

"What do you mean? She's my friend" Niall defended furrowing his eyebrows, making his girlfriend roll her eyes. "Urghh just kiss me Niall" she ordered pulling his lips onto hers, she caught him by surprise but he gladly kissed her back, making your heart sink a little. Seeing them together just made a bad feeling occur in your stomach but you didn't know why.

You walked over to the snack table grabbing a a few things when you felt a presence behind you. You internally groaned when you realised it was Niall and Candice.....his girlfriend.

"Hey y/n" Niall smiled giving you a hug. "Hi Niall, Candice" you acknowledged, she just snorted making you realise that was your cue to leave.

"Erm I should go....." You started. "No, stay I want to tal....."Niall began to talk but was rudely interrupted by his girlfriend "Oh no Niall, let her go, she probably needs to speak to other people too," she smiled a sickly sweet smile.

After that you said a little goodbye and walked off to talk to Liam.

"Hey Liam"

"Hiya y/n, did the usual happen with Niall?" He asked sadly. You nodded your head "yeah."

You see Candice didn't like you for some reason. She hated every time you were in the same room as Niall never mind talk to him and she did everything she could to get you two to spend as little time together as possible.

"Sup guysssssss" Louis cheerily asked whilst placing an arm around your shoulder. "Hey Lou Lou" you joked, "hey I told you never to call me that" he fake pouted making you all laugh.

"So is the wicked witch of the west still up to her evil ways" Louis asked "Yeah she still has Niall wrapped around her finger," Liam answered.

"Urghh I wish she would just go back with her evil monkeys" Louis said rolling his eyes. The boys didn't like the way she treated you, they thought it was horrible. But the thing is she was only completely horrible to you when Niall wasn't there, so he was clueless about everything going on around him.

"Eh up look over there....." Louis spoke pointing towards Niall and Candice who seemed to be having a very heated discussion, Niall was running his hand through his hair frustratingly, his face was red and his jaw clenched, to say he looked angry was an understatement.

Candice was twirling her hair with her fingers. She looked to be trying to kiss Niall but he kept pushing her away getting more mad by the second. If looks could kill she'd be six feet under that's for sure.

"Looks like there's trouble in paradise." Louis said.

"FINE IM LEAVING" Candice voice screeched.

"GO! GET OUT WE'RE OVER" Niall angrily shouted pointing towards the door. Candice walked away being sure to slam the door after making her exit.

Louis let out a low whisper "Woooooo........."

Niall left the room still looking angry, and walked into the hallway.

Before thinking about it you walked after him to make sure he was alright.

As you walked into the hallway you saw Niall with his head leaning against the wall, his eyes closed as he was taking deep breaths.

"Niall" you said quietly, his eyes immediately shot open and he turned around to face you. His face softened as he looked at you, it looked like all of his anger suddenly faded away.

"You okay?" You asked. "I will be" he replied.

"What happened?" You asked. Niall looked hesitant to tell you but you heard him mutter under his breath 'fuck it'

"Candice....said some horrible things about you, absolutely disgraceful things, which got me mad. Then she started saying how we shouldn't hang out anymore and I just flipped. How could I not see what a bitch she was to you all this time? I'm so sorry y/n" he finished his eyes full of regret.

"Don't be sorry, it's okay. You didn't know." You said before walking the small space between you and leaning in to hug him. At first he was caught by surprise

"What's this for?" He asked. "For sticking up for me, thank you"

Niall relaxed in your arms and wrapped his arms around you protectively and kissed the top of your head

"I'll always be on your side."

Niall Horan Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now